Segula – spiritual solutions for problems – Index of topics

The “Segulot” index

For the benefit of the surfers, below are keys in order of topics, to all the answers and articles on the subject of “Segulot” on the Meshiv Kahalachah website (updated for the month of Kislev, 5783). On this occasion we remind the public: “Segulot” are spiritual powers that have the ability to influence reality in our world. However, the “Segulot” do not necessarily “must” work. When there is some trouble, the main thing is to rummage through our actions to know what transgressions brought us the trouble, “and teshuvah, tefillah and tzedakah (In English they are repentance, prayer and charity) pass the evil of the decree”. But if you already do teshuvah, and pray with all your heart, and give tzedakah, especially to support the scholars, then surely it is good and right to also add the power of “Segulot” to give, so to speak, an additional “push” to each one to reach the salvation he needs. BeEzrat HaShem Yitbarach.

Introductory article on the topic of Segulot:

What are Segulot? How It Works? (English)

Segulot for all types of Yeshuot:


Segulot for a Shiduch:


Segulot for Parnassah (“livelihood)” and Success:


Segulot for Relief from children and for Chazara Betshuvah:


Segulot for Refuah (“healing”):


Segulot for Fertility and Childbirth:


Shalom Bayit (marital peace):

Segulot for Trial:

Segulot for Protection and Anxiety:


Segulot against the Evil Eye:


Segulot for Finding lost:


Segulot according to the calendar:


Various Segulot:


The holy places capable of receiving prayers:

And to finish… a wonderful Segulah: One who watches his mouth and his tongue guards his soul from troubles !” (Proverbs (“Mishlei”) 21:23)

Do you have a Segulah that you have heard about and you want to know more details? Or is there some chas v’shalom kind of trouble that is not at all the Segulot mentioned above? Ask the Rabbi!

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The segulah of the Chidah ztz"l to raise luck

The Chief Rabbi of the Institute, together with dozens of Torah sages, will perform the Chidah’s segulah for you to raise your “Mazal” (luck, destiny), at the time of the opening of the Aron HaKodesh.

With Divine kindness, many were saved from their problems with this segulah!

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הרב והאברכים בפתיחת ארון קודש