Kever Rachel Imenu – Segulah

The Highness of Kever Rachel – in the day of the Hilula, Cheshvan 11th

(From the book Shoshani Tzion – still in manuscript)

Kever Rachel- the place to pray for redemption

In the beginning,[1] it was said: “And Rachel died and was buried on Efrat Road – what did our father Jacob see to bury Rachel on Efrat Road, but Jacob watched as the exiles were about to pass through there, so that she buried there so that she would ask for mercy on them,  “Rachel weeping over her sons.” [2]. And in every moment that the people of Israel are in exile, Rachel prays for redemption.[3] Therefore, the grave is very capable of praying for redemption [4] and even more then Mearat Hamachpelah[5]It is Rachel’s own will that her sons should flatten her grave in their exile to ask for and beg for their lives[6] And the one who prays for it in her grave, he must “cry” right on the exile as Rachel herself cries for her sons[7] (well Kever Rachel is able to wake up to weeping[8]), and also we found that is good to “hug”   the tomb of Rachel Imenu by praying for redemption.[9] The Maharal wrote thats the gathering from the exiles without the reality of Kever Rachel is not pissible, because Rachel is the unifying force of the Knesset of Israel.[10] And some have written further, the most useful way to hasten the redemption, is by mentioning Rachel’s prayer for her sons[11], which is of course more helpful when done in her burial position. And there are some of the Gdolei Israel, who, when they prayed in Kever Rachel, our mother, we asked Rachel’s soul to “demand” the fulfillment of the promise of redemption.[12]

So it was an ancient custom to go up to Kever Rachel three times a year, to cry and pray for Israel’s redemption, at these times: in the days of the month of Elul, Bein Hametzarim, Aseret Yemei Teshuvah.

A place to pray for the salvation of the individual

Midrash Rabati[14] is more accurate: Jacob crated a tomb , so that Israel would know its Kever Rachel , and would ask for mercy on them.” [15]We have already established that the grave of Rachel will be a place to flatten for the people of Israel, that is,not only for the redemption but for every trouble that will not come, “and her eyes are always on them and she sees and expresses them with the eye of compassion”[16]. And whenever there is trouble for Israel, Rachel cries out to Hashem to transfer the evil from them[17].

And, according to the Sod Rachel, our mother is an examination (Merkava) of the Divine Presence in exile. And so the most important time is when the Divine Presence is at Kever Rachel

, more than other Tzadikim graves.[18] And from the place of her burial, the leaving of the Divine Presence will return to Israel at the time of redemption [19].

Who are the sons of Rachel who deserve to pray in her grave?

All the Israelites, even those who are not descendants of Joseph and Benjamin, are considered the sons of Rachel, and therefore she prays for all the people of Israel.[20] [However, this examination of “her sons” is incomplete as long as they do not regret for thir sins of Sinat Chinam, but when there is unity among the people of Israel, then they will all be considered as sons altogether, and Rachel will pray over them even more for their redemption, and in any case redemption will come immediately.[21] Therefore, for all those who come to pray at Kever Rachel, even if they come for the purpose of saving the individual each as their own business (whether for health or for livelihood and each according to his needs), they must become very strong in the love of Israel and stay away from Sinat Chinam, because as mentioned above, this injustice delays Rachel from considering them as a “building” in perfection.

Additional virtues at Kever Rachel 

There is also an examination of the “Kever David” in Kever Rachel, because according to the Sod, the two things they belong to the same examination (the count of the “Malchut”). And so David was anointed to king in Bethlehem, where Rachel was buried.[22] And this is why the Gentiles cling to the area around Kever Rachel , as they cling to Kever David, as a rose among the thorns.[23]

And apart from the soul of Rachel Imenu, and the examination of King David, in Kever Rachel there is always the presence of spiritual influence(“Reshimo”[24]) of Jacob and his sons, the Shivtei Israel, for it is explained in the Midrash that Jacob and all 11 of his sons (except Benjamin, who was small) laid stones on her burial place[25], and these stones are there (below the building) to this day.[26]

And in the letter of Rabbi Israel of Salant, when he emphasized that the visitor to the Holy Land should try to exalt “the sanctity of the land and its virtues”, he brought as a single example the prayer in the burial position of Rachel Imenu[27].

The Segulah of Kever Rachel to certain Jesuits

  • Some say that Kever Rachel is the best place to pray for the childless.[28] When Rachel herself was barren, she prayed for it in her life [29].
  • Some say that the soul of Rachel always weeps that the people of Israel will repent, this model in general Rachel weeps over her sons, which will take place “and return sons to their borders” spiritually.[30] This is a place where you can pray for repentance.
  • Some say that Kever Rachel is a place that is very capable of repairing the souls of the deceased.[31]
  • Some say that Kever Rachelis a very capable place to ask for a livelihood.[32]

Learning Torah at Kever Rachel

pray at Rachel’s grave
The Rabbis of “Bircat Avraham” institutions pray at Rachel’s grave for the success of all the donors

Some say that there is special importance in studying the Torah in the burial place of Rachel Imenu, because in this study there is the power to cancel the shell of Amalek and bring the redemption.[33] In particular, on the day of the death of Rachel Imenu (Cheshvan 11th) at night and on the day it is proper to deal with the Torah in a large group at Kever Rachel, because thanks to it, the right of “Rachel weeps over her sons” arises in order that Hashem will fulfill his promise “and return the sons to their borders.”[34]



  • To the study and prayer in Kever Rachel, click here (Hebrew).
  • For the most , the Rabbis of Bircat Avraham institutions pray for the donors at Kever Rachel on the day of the Hilula in 11th of Cheshvan For sending names click here. Please note that the prayer will be at Kever Rachel.

For Sources (in Hebrew) click here


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