Kever Shmuel HaNavi – its Segulot and virtues

Taken from the book “Shoshanei Tzion” (still in manuscript)

The Avrechim of Colel "Bircat Avraham" are praying for the doners in Kever Shmuel HaNavi
The Avrechim of Colel “Bircat Avraham” praying for doners in Kever Shmuel HaNavi

Kever Shmuel HaNavi is from the graves with a very ancient tradition, and it is also a custom to contribute to the commemoration of Kever Shmuel HaNavi (and see note [2]). Some say that those who Chozerim B’teshuva and then pray in Kever Shmuel HaNavi , “Shmuel HaNavi is standing and praying for him[3].”

And there is also the burial place of Hannah, the mother of Shmuel, and Pnina.[4]

Kever Shmuel HaNavi is a holy place, and is very capable of correcting the sparks of holiness,[5] and of receiving prayers.[6] And they testify in the name of the Hameluban the “Baba Sali” who said: “Those who did not prostrate themselves at the Kever Shmuel HaNavi, all his platitudes do not count.” [7].

And there are those who say that all the prayers that pray with Israel wherever they are, pass through Kever Shmuel HaNavi (except what passes also through the Cave of the Patriarchs).[8]

Some say that Kever Shmuel HaNavi, is the most important tomb in Israel, after the Cave of the Patriarchs.[9] [We saw that Yirmiyahu Hanavi after the destruction of Beit Hamikdash prayed for redeption in three places: Cave of the Patriarchs, near Mount Nebo, and Kever Shmuel HaNavi.[10] Some people prefer the morning prayer in Kever Shmuel HaNavi even more than in the Cave of the Patriarchs.[11]

And Kever Shmuel HaNavi is a place very capable of praying for the building of Beit Hamikdash.[12]

And we must add further in the matter of the elevation of this place to prayer and cry, which is the city of “Rama” (the burial place of Shmuel[13]) was next to the city “Mitzpe”[14] in Nahalat Binyamin , and since according to tradition we know that Shmuel HaNavi is buried on a mountain now called “Nabi Samuel”, it was found that the city of Mitzpe was also found on the same mountain (And it is likely that it was located at the top of the mountain, as the name of the city proves on it, so it was found that Kever Shmuel HaNavi , which is at the top of the mountain, is the edge of the city Rama.[15] And here the city of Mitzpe is already known from the time of Yehoshua Bin Nun as a place capable of salvation and prayer, and throughout the generations (from Yehoshua to the Hashmonaim period) when there was a time of trouble for Israel the people of Israel would gather on this mountain to cry out to Hashem.[16] We find that good advice to pray in Kever Shmuel HaNavi, who will say after his prayer, “Whoever answers Shmuel will answer us.”[17]

And there is a special Segulah to be placed onKever Shmuel HaNavi in the days of Hanukkah.[18]

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