Video with the words of the great Kabbalist, Rabbi David Basri Shelita

A Small Effort That Pays Off!

But first, a gentle reminder: The main reason for supporting the Bircat Avraham Institute should not be solely to receive the (wonderful) blessing you will see in this video, but rather to support our fundamental cause (see activities here). The Rabbi could only secure such enormous blessings because the cause is so important.

מכתב הרב בצרי

Aside from the blessing he gave in the video (above), the Rabbi also wrote and signed the following letter (translated):

In honor of the holy and honorable people, may G-d protect them. Great merit is sought from the great and distinguished Colel Bircat Avraham, a very very important Torah location, etc. Anyone who makes an effort for this special kolel will undoubtedly receive great salvation where most assistance is needed. Whether in parnassah, health, children’s education, obtaining good shidduchim, or having children. And may it be G-d’s will that all your requests be granted, for goodness and blessing, amen netsach sela vaed.

(Signature:) David Basri

Letters from those who followed Rabbi David Basri’s advice:

I was 34 years old and had yet to meet my true partner. I followed a lot of segulot, but salvation was nowhere to be found. I was about to give up before I made an effort to assist the “Bircat Avraham” institutions, and I also requested that the Rosh Kolel Rabbi Elie Bahbout Shelita recite my name on the grave of the tzadik “Or Hacahayim” on the anniversary of his death.Then the unimaginable happened: On the anniversary of Or Hachayim’s death, I met a boy, things developed, and I got engaged in good time, thank G-d…” (F.A. from Jerusalem)

For several months, I tried everything I could to place my son in a first-rate educational institution that was a good fit for him.  All attempts were futile. I tried to place him in a mediocre institution since I had no other options. I wasn’t successful. After seeing Rabbi Basri’s vow on behalf of Rabbi Bahbout Shelita’s Bircat Avraham institutions, I decided to simply make an effort for the “Bircat Avraham” kolel. I asked them to pray for my son and soon afterward I only saw wonders and miracles: The city’s mayor, who has nothing to do with me and doesn’t know me, decided he needed to personally assist me with my problem (even though, as I previously indicated, there is no relationship between us, and we don’t follow the same lineage). He did his best and ended up placing my son in the finest institution in our city, even though the registration period had already ended. The institution’s principal also contacted me and apologized for not accepting my son before. He went on to say that the decision was made with pleasure and respect, and not under coercion.” (Y.S.T from central Israel)

My wife has always experienced medical difficulties during childbirth.” Each delivery was extremely painful, so much so that she had to be hospitalized for several months following every single childbirth! She experienced the same painful experience throughout all six deliveries. By Divine Providence, a friend told us about Rabbi Basri Shelita’s promise just before the seventh birth, and we chose to act.  We set up significant monthly donations to Bircat Avraham – which I consider an “effort” – so that my wife would have an easy birth with G-d’s help. The unbelievable happened. To our doctors’ astonishment, my wife gave birth and had an uncomplicated and swift delivery. She came home two days later, just like other healthy women. We are certain this miracle happened because of the Rabbi’s guarantee. Blessed be G-d’s name.” (D.Sh. from north Israel).

Please contact us or donate directly on the website.  Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

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The segulah of the Chidah ztz"l to raise luck

The Chief Rabbi of the Institute, together with dozens of Torah sages, will perform the Chidah’s segulah for you to raise your “Mazal” (luck, destiny), at the time of the opening of the Aron HaKodesh.

With Divine kindness, many were saved from their problems with this segulah!

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הרב והאברכים בפתיחת ארון קודש