סגור את תיבת החיפוש

The Tehillim chapters orders for different problems

For all kinds of “Yeshuot” (salvations, rescues): from Rabbi Rewikov (the “Holy Shoemaker”) ztz”l, say these Chapters of Tehillim in order: 4, 5, 8, 20 (seven times), 37, 57, 93, 108.

For success, from Rabbi Baruch of Medzhybizh ztz”l, who said that whoever reads these chapters of the Tehillim, that day will succeed Be’Ezrat HaShem, and these are: 4, 17, 63, 65,116, 137, 138, 150.

For redemption, from the Holy Shelah ztz”l, say these chapters of the Tehillim in order: The left kabbalistic line, Telata depor’anutah: 79 (Bina), 80 (Gevura), 137 (Hod). The right kabbalistic line, Telata detyuvtah: 25 (Chochma), 51 (Chesed), 90 (Neztach). The middle kabbalistic line, Telata Denechamata: 89 (Keter), 98 (Tiferet), 107 (Yesod), towards the Geula ha’atidah: 96 (Malchut).

May his sons not go out into a bad culture chas veshalom, from Rabbi Asher Freund ztz”l: chapters of Tehillim in order:  Chapter 90 to Chapter 101.

In order for the prayers to be accepted (to say before the prayer), from the HaMekubal Rabbi Avraham Hamoui ztz”l in the book “Yemalet Nafsho”, the following Tehillim Chapters: 30, 139, 1 ,121, 103, 67, 23, 148, 6, 105, 33, 27.

For the index of all “Segulot”, in order of topics, see here.

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