Perek Shira

Perek Shira’s full text translated into English

It is a great “segulah” for any kind of problem, to read the Perek Shira (“Chapter of Poetry”) once a day for 40 days.

For the Hebrew text, click here.

Introduction (this introduction is part of Perek Shira)

Rabbi Eliezer Hagadol says, whoever engages in this Perek Shira (“Chapter of Poetry”) every day, I bear witness to him that he is a son of the next world, and is saved from evil harm, from evil temptation, from harsh punishment, from the devil, and from all kinds of corruptors and harmers. Complete with all your heart and all your soul to know my ways, and to guard the doors of the temple and my Torah, and to keep my commandments and my laws. I will besiege my Torah in your heart and before your eyes I will be fearful. Guard your mouth and your tongue from all sin and guilt, and I will be with you wherever you go, and I will teach you wisdom and understanding in everything (Berachot 17). And he knows that everything that the Holy One, blessed be He, did not create except for His honor, as it is said (Isaiah 43,7) “All that is called by my name and for my honor I have created, even I have made it” (Avot 6,11).

Rabbi said, everyone who engages in a chapter of poetry in this world, is privileged to learn and teach to preserve and do and to build, and his Talmud is established in his hand, and he is delivered from the tyranny of evil, and from evil danger, and from the battering of the grave, and the state of hell, and from the terrors of the Messiah, and prolongs his life, and is entitled to the days of the Messiah and the life of the next world.

Tanya said Rabbi Eliezer, whoever says this song in this world is justified, and it was said in the world to come, as it is said, “Then Moses will sing” (Shemot 9,1). He sings not spoken, but will sing spoken, teaches that he will say (it) to the future to come (Sanhedrin 91:).

Our sages said their remembrance of the blessing [Yalkut Shimoni end of Tehilim (Psalms)] on David, king of Israel, peace be upon him, while he was reading the book of Psalms, his mind was drawn to him, and he said before the Holy One, blessed be He, the Lord of the world, there is a creature that you created in your world that says service and praises more than I do. At that time a frog happened to him, and David said to him, “Don’t let your mind wander over you, that I say service and praise more than you, and nothing else but any song that I say is a government [I am] about it three thousand parables, as it is said and he will speak three thousand parables and he will sing five and a thousand” (Melachim A – 5,12). And no more than that I am dealing with a great mitzvah, and this is the mitzvah that I am dealing with, there is one species on the seashore whose livelihood is only from the water, and when it is hungry it takes and eats. This is the commandment, to fulfill what is said: “If you are hungry, feed him with bread, and if you are thirsty, give him water.” (Mishlei 25, 21).


Chapter One

The heavens say: “The heavens tell God’s honor, and the sky relates His handiwork. ” (Tehilim 19, 2).שמים

The land says: (Mizmor Le’David) “The earth belongs to the Lord and the earth is full, and he dwells in it” (Tehilim 24, 1).

And he says, “From the wing of the earth, we have heard a song, glory to the righteous.” (Yeshayahu 24, 16).

The Garden of Eden says: “The Garden of Eden says: [Hashem says,] “Awaken, north wind, and come, south wind, blow through My garden, causing its fragrances to flow out.” [The Jewish nation responds,] ”Let my Beloved come to His garden and eat His delectable fruits.”           (Shir Hashirim 4, 16).

Gehennam says: “For He has satisfied a lustful soul, and a hungry soul He has filled with goodness.” (Tehilim 107, 9).

The desert says: “The desert and the wasteland will rejoice and the planes will be gladdened. They will sprout like a flower.”                   (Yeshayahu 35, 1).

The fields say: “Hashem founded the earth with wisdom; established the heavens with intuition.” (Mishlei 3, 19).

The water says: “At the sound in the heavens, then the clouds are raised from the ends of the earth.” (Yirmiyahu 51, 16).

The seas say: “More than the sounds of the great, mighty waters and the breaking ocean waves, mighty on high is Hashem.” (Tehilim 93, 4).

The rivers say: “The rivers will clap hands; together, the mountains will praise.” (Tehilim 98, 8).

The springs say: “The singers and the flutists – all of my wellsprings are for You.” (Tehilim 87, 7).


Chapter Two

The day says: “Day by day expresses speech and night by night relates comprehension.” (Tehilim 19, 3).יום שמש

The night says: “To tell in the morning of Your kindnesses, and of Your faithfulness by nights.” (Tehilim 92, 3).

The sun says: “The sun and moon stood in their places, by the light of Your arrows they shall go, by the glow of Your spear-point.”      (Chavakuk 3, 11).

The Moon says: “He created the Moon for festivals; the Sun knows it setting.” (Tehilim 104, 19).

The stars say: “It is You Who is Hashem – alone. You created all of the heavens and all of their hosts, the Earth and all on it, the seas and all within then and You grant life to all and the heavenly hosts bow to You.” (Nehemiah 9, 6).

The clouds say: “He places darkness as His concealment, around Him His shelter, darkness of water, clouds of the heavens.” (Tehilim 18, 12).

The clouds of glory say: “Even in clarity He forms clouds; the clouds shined His light.” (Iyov 37, 11).

The wind says: Say to the north wind, “Give!” and to the south wind, “Do not withhold.” “Bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the ends of the Earth.” (Yeshayahu 43, 6).

Lighting says: “Lightning He made for rains, He takes out wind from His storehouses.” (Tehilim 135, 7).

The dew says: “I will be like dew for Yisrael, they will sprout like a flower and they will strike roots like cedars of Lebanon.” (Oshea 14, 6).

The rains say: “Voluntary rain You wave, Hashem, Your heritage that is weak You establish.” (Tehilim 68, 10).


Chapter Three

The trees of the field say: “Then will sing the trees of the forest, from before Hashem, for He has come to judge the Earth.” (Divrei Hayamim Aleph 16, 33).עצים ופרחים

The grapevine says: “So says Hashem, in the same way a wine-bearing grape is found on a cluster and one says “Do not destroy it (the cluster), as there is blessing within it”, so I will do for the sake of My servants, not to destroy all.” (Yeshayahu 65, 8).

The fig-tree says: “The protector of the fig-tree shall eat its fruit.” (Mishlei 27, 18).

The pomegranate-tree says: “Like a slice of pomegranate is the appearance of your cheekbones, behind your veil.”                             (Shir Hashirim 4, 3).

The date-palm says: “The righteous man will sprout like date-palm; like a cedar in Lebanon he will grow sturdily.” (Tehilim 92, 13).

The apple tree says: “Like an apple tree amongst the forest trees, so is my beloved amongst the young men. In his shade I desired and sat, and his fruit was sweet to my palate.” (Shir Hashirim 2, 3).

The wheat stalk says: “A song of ascents, from the depths I call out to you, Hashem.” (Tehilim 130, 1).

The barley stalk says: “A prayer of the poor man as he bends over, and he pours out his supplication before Hashem.” (Tehilim 102, 1).

The other stalks say: “It [the meadow] will be clothed with sheep, and the valleys cloaked with grain – they trumpet and even sing.”       (Tehilim 65, 14).

The vegetables in the field say: “Its furrows You satiate, descending to its grooves, with raindrops You saturate it, its sprouts You bless.” (Tehilim 65, 11).

The grasses says: “Let the glory of Hashem be forever, let Hashem rejoice in His handiwork.” (Tehilim 104, 31).


Chapter Four

The rooster says: “At the time that Hashem enters to be with the righteous in Gan Eden, all trees of Gan Eden emit aromatic spices and sing and praise, and then the rooster too awakens andתרנגול praises.”

In the first call it says: “Raise, gates, your heads, and let the eternal entrances be raised, and let the King of glory enter. Who is the King of glory? Hashem, strong and mighty, Hashem mighty warrior.”                   (Tehilim 24, 7:8).

In the second call it says: “Raise, gates, your heads, and raise, eternal entrances, and let the King of glory enter. Who is He, the King of glory? Hashem Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory, Selah!”      (Tehilim 24, 7:8).

In the third call it says: “Rise, righteous, and involve yourselves in Torah study in order that your reward be doubled in the World to Come.”

In the fourth call it says: “For Your salvation I yearn, Hashem!.” (Bereshit 49, 18).

In the fifth call it says: “Until when shall you lie down, lazy man, when will you rise from your sleep?” (Mishlei 6 ,19).

In the sixth call it says: “Do not love sleep lest you become impoverished. Open your eyes, be satiated with bread.” (Mishlei 3 ,13).

In the seventh call it says: “It is a time to act for the sake of Hashem; they have annulled Your Torah.” (Tehilim 119, 126).

The hen says: “He gives food to all flesh for His kindness is forever.” (Tehilim 136, 25).

The dove says: Like the swallow and the crane I shall chirp, I coo like a dove, my eyes raised to the heights. “Hashem, take me! Secure me!” (Yeshayahu 38, 14).

The dove says to Hashem: “Master of the world, let my sustenance be as bitter as an olive from Your hand, rather than sweet as honey from the hands of flesh and blood.” (Eruvin 18b).

The eagle says: “And You Hashem, God, Lord of Legions, God of Israel, awaken to mete out justice upon all of the [enemy] nations, do not favor deceitful traitors, Selah!” (Tehilim 59, 6).

The Crane says: “Thank Hashem with a harp, with a ten-stringed lyre make music for Him.” (Tehilim 33, 2).

The sparrow says: “Even the sparrow found a home and the wild bird has a nest for herself; she placed her chicks with Your altars, Hashem Lord of Legions, my King and my God!” (Tehilim 84, 4).

The swallow says: “[You transformed my mourning into dancing] in order that my soul sing to You and not be silent – Hashem my God, forever I will thank you!” (Tehilim 30, 13).

The storm petrel says: “Light is planted for the righteous, and for the straight of heart, gladness.” (Tehilim 97, 12).

The peacock says: “My help is from Hashem, Creator of the heavens and the earth.” (Tehilim 121, 2).

The laughing turtledove says: Hashem tells the prophets: “Comfort, comfort My nation” says your God. (Yeshayahu 40, 1).

The stork says: “Speak to Jerusalem’s heart and call out to her that her measure has been filled, for her sin has been pardoned, and she has taken from Hashem’s hand twofold for all of her sins.”           (Yeshayahu 40, 2).

The raven says: “Who prepares for the raven its sustenance when its young cry out to God?” (Iyov 38, 41).

The starling says: “Their progeny became known amongst the nations and their descendants within the peoples. All those that see them recognize that they are the progeny blessed by God.”           (Yeshayahu 61, 9).

The domesticated goose says: “Thank Hashem, call in His name, inform the nations of His deeds. Sing to Him, make music for Him, speak of all of His wonders.” (Tehilim 105, 1:2).

When the wild goose flies over the wilderness and sees Yisrael involved in Torah study it says: A voice calls in the wilderness, “Clear a path for Hashem! Straighten through the plains a pathway to our God.” And on the finding of its sustenance in the wilderness it says: Cursed is he who trusts upon man. Blessed is he who trusts upon God and God becomes his reliance. (Yirmiyahu 17, 5:7).

The chicks say: Trust in Hashem forever, for the awesome God is the Rock of the worlds. (Yeshayahu 26, 4).

The Egyptian vulture says: [Hashem Says:] I will whistle to them and gather them, for I will redeem them and they will have become as numerous [in exile] as they used to be [in Egypt]. (Zechariah 10,8)

The Chasil-locust says: Hashem, You are my God, I will exalt and thank You for You have done wonders; counsels from long ago were affirmed faithfully. (Yeshayahu 25, 1).

The spider says: Extol Him with resonances of the cymbals; extol Him with resonances of the trumpet! (Tehilim 150, 5).

The fly says: at a time when Yisrael are not involved in Torah study: A voice says “Call!” and I said, “What shall I call?” [The voice responded to call:] “All of flesh is like grass and all of its kindness like the sprouts of the field. (Yeshayahu 40, 6).

“The grass will have dried up and the sprout will have withered, but the word of our God will stand forever.” (Yeshayahu 40, 8).

“I create speech of lips which brings peace unto the far and the near,” says Hashem, “and I have healed him.” (Yeshayahu 57, 19).

The sea giants say: “Praise Hashem from the earth, sea giants and all of the depths.” (Tehilim 148, 7).

The Leviathan says: “Thank Hashem for He is good, for His kindness is forever.” (Tehilim 136, 1).

The fish say: “The voice of Hashem was upon the waters, the God of glory rumbled – Hashem – upon many waters.” (Tehilim 29, 3).

The frog says: “Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever.” (Yoma, Perek 3, Mishna 8).


Chapter Five

The small Kosher domestic animals say: “Who is like You among the mighty, Hashem, who is like You immense in holiness, too awesome for praise, Who does wonder.” (Shemot 15, 11).כבשה

The large Kosher domestic animals say: “Sing to the God of our might! Trumpet to the God of Yaakov!” (Tehilim 81, 2).

The small non-Kosher domestic animals say: “Bestow good, Hashem, to the goodly, and to the upright in their hearts.”                       (Tehilim 125, 4).

The large non-Kosher domestic animals [including horses, donkeys and camels] say: “The labor of your palms you shall eat, you are praiseworthy and it is good for you.” (Tehilim 128, 2).

The camel says: “Hashem from on high roars and from His holy dwelling he emits His voice, He roars and shouts about His abode.” (Yirmiyahu 25, 30).

The horse says: “Behold, like the eyes of slaves who look to the hands of their masters, like the eyes of the maidservant who looks to the hand of her mistress, so too are our eyes to Hashem our God, until He is gracious to us.” (Yirmiyahu 123, 2).

The mule says: “All kings of the land will acknowledge You, Hashem, for they heard the sayings of Your mouth.” (Tehilim 138, 4).

The donkey says: “Yours Hashem is the greatness, the might… for in all of the heavens and the earth to You Hashem is the kingship and the raising of all heads.” (Divrei Hayamim Aleph, 29, 11).

The ox says: Then Moshe and the Children of Israel chose to sing to Hashem this song, and they said responsively, “I will sing to Hashem for He [has shown Himself to be] loftier than the lofty. Horse and rider were cast into the sea.” (Shemot 15, 1).

The beasts of the field [wild animals] say: “Blessed is He who is good and does good.” (Berachot, Perek 9, Mishna 1).

The gazelle says: ”And I will sing of Your might, and I will praise Your kindness in the morning, for You have been a bastion for me, and a refuge on the day of my distress.” (Tehilim 59, 17).

The elephant says: “How great are Your deeds, Hashem! Very deep are Your thoughts.” (Tehilim 92, 6).

The lion says: “Hashem will go out like a mighty man; like a warrior He will invoke passion. He will trumpet and shout; His enemies He will overpower.” (Yeshayahu 42, 13).

The bear says: “The wilderness and its cities will raise [their voices and also] Kedar who dwell in fenced areas. The dwellers of stone will exult; from the mountain-tops they will call. They will attribute honor to Hashem, and His praise they will relate in the islands.”            (Yeshayahu 42, 11:12).

The wolf says: “For every matter of crime, for an ox, for a donkey, for a sheep, for a garment, for any lost object, about which he will say, “this is it”, to the judges will the matter of the two come. He who the judges incriminate shall pay two-fold to his fellow.” (Shemot 22, 8).

The fox says: Woe is he who builds his house unjustly and his lofts illegally. For his fellow he will work for free and his wages he will not pay him. (Yirmiyahu 22, 13).

The hunting dog says: Righteous ones, laud Hashem, to the upright praise is fitting. (Tehilim 33, 1).

The cat says: I will pursue my enemies and reach them, and I shall not turn back until I annihilate them. (Tehilim 18, 38).


Chapter Six

Creeping creatures say: Yisrael shall rejoice in its Maker; the children of Zion shall delight in its King. (Tehilim 149, 2).

The greater creeping creatures say: Your wife is like a grape-vine in the inner chambers of your house; your children are like olive shoots around your table (Tehilim 128, 3).

The snake says: Hashem supports all of the fallen and straightens all of the bent. (Tehilim 145, 14).נחש

The scorpion says: Hashem is good to all and His mercy is upon all of His creatures. (Tehilim 145, 9).

The snail says: Like a snail that dissolves as it moves, like the stillborn of a woman, they cannot see the sun. (Tehilim 58, 9).

The ant says: Go to the ant, lazy one, watch its ways and become wise. (Mishlei 6, 6).

The mouse says: And You are righteous regarding all that befalls me because You have done truth and I have been wicked.            (Nehemiah 9, 33).

The weasel says: Let all souls praise Hashem, Halleluka!           (Tehilim 150, 6).

The dogs say: Come, let us prostrate ourselves and kneel, let us bow before Hashem our Maker. (Tehilim 95, 6).


R’ Yeshaya, the disciple of R’ Chanina Ben Dosa, fasted 85 fasts. He said, “Dogs, about whom it is written, “And the dogs are brazen-spirited; they do not know satiation”, they should merit singing [to Hashem]? An angel answered him from the Heavens and said to him, “Yeshaya, until when shall you fast over this matter? It is an oath from before Hashem, [and] from the day that He revealed His secret to Chavakuk the prophet, He did not reveal this matter to any person in the world. However, since you are the disciple of a great man, I have been sent from the Heavens to answer you. They said: It is written about dogs “And to all of Yisrael a dog will not bark”. And not only that, but they also merited that hides be treated using their excrement, upon which are written Tefillin, Mezuzos, and Sifrei Torah, they therefore merited to sing [to Hashem]. And regarding that which you asked, return backward and do not continue regarding this matter, as it is written: “One who protects his mouth and tongue protects himself from troubles.” Blessed is Hashem forever, Amen and Amen. Blessed is Hashem from Zion, Who dwells in Jerusalem, Halleluya! Blessed is Hashem, God, the God of Yisrael, Who does wonders alone. And blessed is the name of His glory forever, and may His glory fill the world, Amen and Amen.


For the key to all Segulot  (auspicious practices) in order of topics, see here.

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