Kever Yosef Hatzadik

Kever Yosef Hatzadik in the city Nablus

From the book Shoshanei Zion (still in manuscript)

Yosef bones

We are told of the importance of Yosef Hatzadik bons by Chazal, and the Mishnah said[1] “Only Moses was worthy to mess with Yosef Hatzadik.” Moses had the bones of Yosef, and there is no greater man in Israel than he is. “Moses took the bones of Yosef with him.”

And the sea was torn by his bones when they came out of Egypt[2], and they carried his ark near Aron Habrit.[3] And wherever Yosef’s bones were placed there, the place was blessed because of him.[4]

It is written that thanks to the bones of Yosef, the Israelites were not consumed during the years of the Egyptian exile,[5] and others, who had left Egypt fifty years earlier because of the bones of Yosef,[6] and who were able to make a living from the “Man” in the desert for forty years because of the right of the bones of Yosef, who was in their midst.[7]

And after his bones were buried in Nablus, his right protects all the residents of that property.[8]

Limitations for the prayer in Kever Yosef

  • Some wrote that one should avoid entering the area of Kever Yosef , because of the sanctity of the place, which was there an altar built by yaakov avinu[9]. They didn’t act like that [10], so it is ok to do so [11].
  • Some say that the one who does not repent of his sin, he can’t enter to Kever Yosef, because Yosef Hatzadik is the chariot for this sin[12].
  • Some say that it is not necessary to go to Kever Yosef, as Rashi said in the Parashat Vayshev, that the city of Nablus is a place of danger, and therefore there is a danger going there.[13]

The Segulot and capabilitis of Kever Yosef

  • According to tradition, near the tomb of the Yosef Hatzadik (at his feet[14]), both Manasseh and Ephraim are buried, and there are Tzadikim who approved this tradition [15].
  • [16] According to the Zohar the cause of the exile ,(also) from the sale of Yosef sin. And so it is a great thing to lie down on Kever Yosef and ask for forgiveness for the sale, and especially on the day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz [17]. And there are those who have said [18], that, as in the first redemption (redemption of Egypt), needed to connect of the Israelites with the “bones of Yosef” by taking his coffin, so that in order to enable the final redemption, it is necessary to flatten the bones of Yosef (or the tombs of Tzadikim who belong to the examination of the soul of Yosef Hatzadik). In any case, it turns out that the prayer for our redemption and redemption of our souls in Kever Yosef has a special power, because Chazal said that Israel’s future will be redeemed thanks to Yosef.[19] 
  • And there are some of Gdolei Hachasidut who wrote about the importance of the Zion, of Yosef Hatzadik, that what is written[20] about Yaakov Avinu, “and he refused to take comfort and said that I would go down to my son” means that if Yaakov Avinu could pray on Kever Yosef, he would supposedly be comforted by his death.[21]

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