About the Site

The Site

The 'Meshiv Kahalacha' website is unique and rare, with the largest question and answer database in the world, all conforming to the rulings of Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef ztz"l.
The 'Meshiv Kahalacha' website employs a select team of qualified rabbanim and dayanim, and is under the guidance of the prestigious sefardi rabbanim – Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Chacham Shalom Cohen shlita and the Rishon L'Tzion Maran Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef shlita.

The Need and Result

We have been blessed that Maran, the Rishon L'Tzion, Rav Ovadia Yosef ztz"l - the notable, rabbinic figure - graced this past generation. He was endowed with the spirit of Hashem, incredible in-depth knowledge and precise understanding. He led the congregation with guidance, leadership and direction and the holy people followed after him, accepting his teachings, instructions and rulings, because heaven had already sanctified him – 'go to Yosef, whatever he instructs you to do, do, because his halachot are correct on every occasion'.
The public, from all walks of life, are thirsting for halacha rulings and teachings of Maran, especially the rulings that were not written in his sefarim. Predictably, most searches are done on the Web (without getting into the subject if this is considered a suitable venue, but in any event, this is the reality, and people have become accustomed to the quick availability of virtual solutions and seek answers to their questions and uncertainties in Judaism, particularly in halacha. If they don't find what they are looking for by worthy and suitable individuals, they are likely to satisfy themselves with dubious answers from non-religious sources, and will G-d forbid stumble in halachic areas).
Therefore, due to the growing need for quick, available virtual halachic response, according to the rulings of Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef ztz"l, and at the same time the need for effective and accurate answers given by suitable rabbis, the 'Meshiv Kahalacha' site was created. The rabbanim learning in the various branches of the Bircat Avraham Kollelim around Jerusalem, answer the questions they receive via the 'Ask the Rabbi' section of this site. The Kollel, headed by Rabbi Eliyahu Bahbout shlita, has around 70 exceptional students, who toil many hours over Torah and halacha, in the hallowed kollel walls (see: 'Overview'). These unique rabbis are suitably qualified to answer the questions with care and understanding, and give precise and clear halachic answers, taken from the Talmud and thousands of Responsa sefarim from Rabbis of previous generations, according to the rulings of Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef ztz"l, may his merit protect us.
The leading Rabbi on this site is Rabbi Meir Pinchasi shlita, who serves as the rabbi of the Torah congregation in the Mekor Baruch neighborhood of Jerusalem. He leads a team of rabbis with specific expertise in Orach Chaim and Yoreh De'ah. He has authored the responsa sefer called Torat Meir and many more. In addition to him, is the Dayan, Rabbi David Ohayon shlita, who is a member of the Chief Rabbinate's bet din in Jerusalem; he is an expert in Choshen Mishpat and Even Ha'ezer. He too has authored many sefarim, one of them being Yad David.

The Vision and its Implementation

As mentioned previously, the goal of this site is to bring accurate and precise answers to whoever sends in a question, from anywhere around the world, in many languages and in all areas of halacha – monetary, marital, kashrut, Shabbat, family purity, Chagim, mourning and more.
The questions are sorted according to subject and are sent to the various rabbis who are experts in those specific areas.
In addition to the fully comprehensive halachic archive, the site strives to disseminate Torah around the world, in the most popular languages, to any thirsting Jewish soul.
This site includes a list of halachic articles, all clearly set out, on all parts of the Shulchan Aruch, the weekly Torah portion and a fascinating weekly newsletter with the latest news on current halachic topics.
Our goal and vision is to disseminate the light of Torah to the Jews in Israel and those in the Diaspora, and to give qualified, proficient halachic answers to each and every Jew wherever he may reside around the world, in all areas of Judaism.
And besides, our goal is to make these halachic answers available and accessible to Jews scattered around the globe; Jews who thirst for the word of Hashem and are sincerely interested in understanding how to act and behave in circumstances that may arise in their daily life.
We are continually surprised at the amount and variety of questions that pour in from the most remote locations around the world; from people who genuinely seek clear halachic answers in order to fulfill the mitzvot of Hashem to perfection.

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