הרב אליהו בחבוט
Country: ישראל

The Segulah of the "Bat Ein"

Hello, Rabbi. I heard that there is a Segulah to have a meal on the 12th day in Kislev, and to ask Hashem for some salvation that they need. Do you know any details about this Segulah? What to do exactly? And what is the source of this Segulah? Thank you.


Apparently the Segulah you have heard is the Segulah of holding a feast for the upliftment of the soul of the holy genius Rabbi Avraham Dov Ben Rabbi David of Ovrich Zatzukal (the author of the holy book “Bat Ein”, who was the Rabbi of Dakkak Zitomir, and in 1877 immigrated to Israel ,and was counted among the great Rabbis of the city “Safed”, and he rested in honor there) on the day he past away (the day of “Hilula”) on the day of his death (12th to Kislev). But according to the sources we found, it is not enough to hold one feast, but one must undertake (without a vow) to hold a feast every year on the 12th day of Kislev, for the uplifting of the soul of the Tzaddik . There is no need to have a meal with a lot of people, A family meal is enough,  but it is preferable to have a real meal, that is, a meal with bread.

It should be noted that sometimes the 12th to Kislev date falls on Shabbat, and then it is not so possible to add another meal to raise the soul of the Tzaddik, but in these years they will add another special food (which they are not used to on the other Sabbaths of the year) to raise the soul of the Tzaddik (and according to the advice of Rabbi Elia Raba in the name of The Knesset Hgedola, regarding Rosh Chodesh falling on Shabbat).

It should be noted that, as with any meal “for upliftment of the soul”, a few things must be observed so that the meal is indeed beneficial for the upliftment of the soul and not the opposite, and these are:

All participants will say a first and last blessing on purpose and in recession.
Let them say Torah words at the meal. And of course it is desirable that they read from the book “Bat Ein”.
Let there not be lightheartedness at the feast, but the joy of a Mitzvah.
It is advisable to say out loud that the meal and the blessings are “for the uplifting of the soul of Rabbi Avraham Dov ben of Rabbi David.”

According to the sources of this Segulah, it does not seem necessary to ask for any kind of request, but the Tzaddik will pray and recommend well for those who made the feast in his honor, for all the necessary salvations. However, prayer is itself the greatest Segulah, and therefore he will ask Hashem for salvation by Segulah of the aforementioned righteous person (and he will not ask for salvation itself from the Tzaddik, but rather ask Hashem for the right of the righteous person, and as we extended elsewhere ).

And may the right of the Tzaddik stand for everyone’s good and blessing and may his work be blessed.

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