Transferring names for prayer

Transferring names for prayer

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Transferring names for prayer does not require a donation. However, it is recommended to add the power of charity to the power of prayer in order to gain salvation. And those who make an effort to donate a decent amount, also receive the promise of the great Rabbi David Batzri Shalita, as you will see in the video here>>

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The segulah of the Chidah ztz"l to raise luck

The Chief Rabbi of the Institute, together with dozens of Torah sages, will perform the Chidah’s segulah for you to raise your “Mazal” (luck, destiny), at the time of the opening of the Aron HaKodesh.

With Divine kindness, many were saved from their problems with this segulah!

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הרב והאברכים בפתיחת ארון קודש