The enormous guaranteed blessing, which was signed by almost all the great sages of the generation!
As previously reported, the great Tzadik Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shelita wrote a letter assuring everyone who supports an avrech with a thousand dollars per month will undoubtedly have great success in their businesses (there will always be highs and lows, but overall, they will be successful).
Rav Kanievsky’s letter was also signed by other “Gedole Israel” (great sages of our generation). This blessing (or Tzadik’s “decree”) is no longer simply a blessing from Rav Chaim Kanievsky, but rather the “decree” of multiple great Tsadikim of our generation, granting the blessing unprecedented strength!
Anyone who financially supports an avrech (one thousand dollars a month) and donates to Birkat Avraham can be considered to have visited Israel, met with the greatest Tzadikim and received the “decree” stating that they will undoubtedly have huge success in their businesses!
We thank G-d for the opportunity to present this outstanding “investment” to our friends. This is an investment that Beezrat Hashem will bring significant growth in business in this world and an inconceivable “Olam Haba.”
Important Observation: We asked Rav Kanievsky what would happen to someone who supports two avrechim at Birkat Avraham; he answered that they would receive the blessing in double (double the amount of success), and so on according to the number of avrechim (the event was recorded and is available on the Bircat Avraham website).
The letter and signatures have been translated:
To the benefactors in our people, may G-d bring them life. Wise and important avrechim learn Torah at the Kollel Bircat Avraham. It is an enormous merit to uphold these avrechim with generosity and abundance as is proper to honor the Torah. Therefore, anyone who donates and supports an avrech with the full amount given to him, i.e., a thousand dollars per month, will surely succeed in business. They will be blessed – he and his family, with permanent health and all the good.
(Signature:) (Rav) Chaim Kanievsky
(Chacham) Shalom Cohen – Chairman of the Council of Torah Sages, Rosh Yeshiva Porat Yossef.
(Rav) Yitzchak Yosef – Rishon LeZion, Chief Rabbi of Israel.
I also take part in the letter above. It is a great mitzvah to support them; (Rav) Shimon Baadani – Member of the Council of Torah Sages, Rosh Kollel Torat Chaim.
(Rav) Baruch Dov Povarski – Member of the Council of Gedole Torah, Rosh Yeshiva Ponevezh.
(Rav) Shelomo Amar – Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, former Rishon Lezion.
(Rav) Yitzchak Zilberstein – Member of the Council of Gedole Torah, Rosh Kollel Bet David.
(Rav) Moshe Tzdaka – Rosh Yeshivat Porat Yosef (Geula branch).
(Rav) David Cohen – Member of the Council of Gedole Torah, Rosh Yeshiva Hevron.
(Rav) Benayahu Shemueli – Great and well-known kabbalist, Rosh Kollel Nehar Shalom.
(Rav) Moshe Meir Leifer – Admor of Nadvorna.
(Rav) Ben Tsion Mutzafi – Great and well-known kabbalist, president of the institution Bene Tsion.
(Rav) Chaim M. H. Wosner – Rabbi that took over his father, Rav Shmuel Wosner ZT”L (This was Rav Chaim Wosner’s final signature, ZT”L).
(Rav) David Basri – Great and well-known kabbalist, Rosh Yeshivat Hashalom.
(Rav) Israel M. Horowitz – Admor of Kalib.
(Rav) Reuven Elbaz – Member of the Council of Torah Sages, Rosh Yeshivat Or Hachaim.
(Rav) Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi – Member of the Council of Gedole Torah, Rosh Yeshivat Ateret Israel.
(Rav) Meir Mazuz – Rosh Yeshivat Kisse Rachamim.
(Rav) Yaakov Chaim Sofer – Rosh Yeshivat Kaf Hachaim.
I know the Kollel and have had the privilege of teaching there numerous times. The Kollel has outstanding avrechim in Torah, seriousness, and depth. And the Rosh Kollel is a Tsadik with a great spiritual level. Blessed is the one who has the merit of helping them, and the more they assist, the more praiseworthy they will be. Above all, I sign; (Rav) Yaakov Ades – Great and well-known Kabbalist.
(Rav) Yossef David Teitelboim – Admor of Sassov.
(Rav) Rafael Hadaya – Great kabbalist, Rosh Yeshivat Hamekubalim “Bet El.”
(Rav) Rachamim Atia – Zekan Hamekubalim – The elder of the Kabbalists.
Blessings, success, health, and tranquility, amen; (Rav) Nissim Harari – Rosh Bet Hamidrash Hachida, well-known Tzadik.
Apart from the “Gedole Israel,” several important Rabbinical Judges of Israel signed the letter, giving it the power of a Bet Din decree:
(Rav) Naftali Nussboim – Av Bet Din, is considered one of the greatest rabbinical judges in many courts.
(Rav) Asher Weiss – Av Bet Din Darke Horaa, and one of Gedole Israel.
(Rav) Yischak Cohen – Dayan Halichot Olam, Mekubal, Rosh Yeshiva and Rav in Shemuel Hanavi.
I know that the Gaon and Rosh Kollel raises great sages, and Hashem is with him in whatever he does; (Rav) Elchanan Peretz – Head of Rabbinical Courts “Chuke Mishpat.”
(Rav) Barooch Shraga – Av Bet Din Halichot Olam.
(Rav) Shemuel Pinchassi – Dayan Halichot Olam, Rosh Kollel Darke David.
(Rav) Yaakov Shkinazi – Nassi Bet Din HaEda Hacharedit Hasefaradit.
Bircat Avraham’s students, who will be Israel’s future great sages, also signed.
Rabbi Y.M. Morgenstern Shelita, the great kabbalist, insisted on not just signing but also adding his letter:
“I saw the letter of the holy Rabbis, the great tsadikim of the generation Shelita… concerning the important Kollel Bircat Avraham…” and thus partake in the blessing. May all those who donate and support the Kollel with an open heart and noble amounts, especially those who have the merit of supporting an avrech with the monthly amount paid by the Kollel, be blessed in everything they do (with good). They will be blessed with the blessings: “Blessed is the one who sustains this Torah,” and “[Torah] it is the tree of life that sustains it, and its givers will be fulfilled, longevity on its right and wealth and honor on its left.” May they receive G-d’s blessing on all their works, and may their properties be blessed. They will have much satisfaction from their descendants, with joy and tranquillity. With confidence, (Rav) Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern
The head of Eda Hacharedit also signed this letter: “I also partake. May those who help and support [the Kollel] be rewarded with an abundance of blessing, success, and everything good.” (Rav) Yitzchak Tuvia Waiss.“
This blessing you cannot miss!!!
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