לוגו משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל


I have trouble appreciating my husband, and it’s also hard for me to say a kind word to him, to praise him. What I can do to improve the situation?


Of course, mutual appreciation is one of the main things to hold the home, and the spouse (like every person) needs to be appreciated and to be complimented sincerely from time to time, this is a basic need everywhere (at work, at school, in the family, and at most in marriage). And in educating children, the ability to find positive points in our children and emphasize them for ourselves and our children is a great way they can build them self’s. And even at work, a boss who knows how to give good feedback and not just look for something to comment on, may get more results down.

It is known by the name of the Kabbalistic the tzaddik Rav Zion Bracha z”l, who commented on the verse in Psalms (chapter 119): “seven times a day I praised you” – that every man should praise his wife at least seven times every day (quoted in the book of Bless His People, page 11). And Rav Simcha Cohen, zt”l, was used to saying that whoever doesn’t say at least five compliments to his spouse every day hasn’t really gotten married yet… And he would add that a husband who doesn’t tell his wife that the food tasted good, after all, is a thief, because the real reason she worked hard on the food, is simply to get the compliment for it.

And when it comes to compliments from the wife to the husband, there is also another need besides the aspect of the praise itself, because it is the masculine nature that it is important for a husband to benefit his wife, this is what gives the husband the true satisfaction in marriage, and if his wife does not give feedback, he may feel frustrated and epic without knowing what it is about.

In order to try to help you a little in this important task, we will offer you some basic rules on the subject, followed by a list of ideas to build the compliments and praise.

Pay attention to the good deeds of others

Of course, the root of compliments is actually a “good eye”, paying attention to seeing the good deeds of others, and this is the pointנער מסתכל במשקפת of difficulty for many, because sometimes this degree of “good eye” is not natural to a person and needs practice. In contrast, it’s like physical exercise – the more you do, the more fitness you get, and later it becomes nature. But practicing this requires self-work, and as is well known, Rabbi Elimelech of Lizansk zt”l (in the form of his well-known prayer) would pray for this virtue: “let us see in our hearts each the good deeds of our friends and not their bad deeds.”

And an important tip: when searching for good deeds in one’s spouse and children, etc., it is also worth noting that “a person is close to himself” (Yevamot 22, b,) so that there is a tendency in a person to value more good deeds that belong to a field in which he himself is strong, for example, a person who is talented in the field of activity (for example, an activist, a successful person, etc.), may pay more attention than the good deeds that are in this field and less to the good deeds of character, On the other hand, a person who has a positive personality (for example, a good heart, a calm person, etc.) may give the weight of his assessments in the area of personality and not be so impressed by her blessed actions, and this is the way. Therefore, when we come to see the good deeds of our spouse and children and all those around us, we need attention to get out of our own area, and know how to appreciate every virtue wherever it may be.

Rules for a helpful compliment

And it is important to note, when complimenting others – the compliment must be “sincere”, you must really believe what is said, לבבותbecause otherwise the other side will certainly not “buy” the compliment, if consciously or subconsciously he will feel falsified and feel worthless “flattery” instead of constructive and encouraging praise.

And another particularly important rule, which is not always known to the public: one must pay attention (and this is what one must develop the right sensitivity for) that when complimenting the spouse or any other person, do so from a place of “the same level” and not from a place of condescension. Because if you feel in your heart, “I’ll now praise you to give you some self-confidence,” there’s not much value to such a compliment, because the other feels humiliated (even if unconsciously). And if there are class differences, Such as a parent of his children or a teacher of his students, etc., it is “not so bad”. but the most desirable and useful compliment is, out of a feeling that “I am praising you for such a wonderful good deed”.

By the way, there are people who are afraid of compliments, as if it obliges them, but we must not give up because every person needs appreciation, so with them you have to compliment wisely and gently. And by the same way: a person should know how to receive compliments, not that one should be proud, God forbid, but simply to thank the person for the good word, to say “Thank you!”

List of good deeds – compliments – “being happy for someone

One of the basic tools to help us pay attention to the good deeds of others is writing a list of good deeds. Just sit down and write down all your partner’s good deeds, and then wake up to see him/her in a much more positive light.אדם כותב רשימה

The list of good deeds is also important to consume compliments, so that it will be possible to “praise” the partner from time to time, to say a kind word and sometimes also to write a “praise letter”, because if we have written ourselves a list of praises, it will be much easier in action (i.e., when we notice that a certain good deed is being expressed now) to “pull out” the praise.

In order to make the job easier for you, here is a list of good deeds and compliments so that you can use from the list the good deeds that are (honestly) suitable for your spouse (or your children/students, etc.).Of course, this does not mean saying or writing these words as they are, but rather these words are “topics” on which the compliment can be developed, elaborated, expanded, and adapted.

It should be noted that some of the list are “slang” because finally a way for humans to praise (this gives the compliment a lighter and informal validity), so the user must know when to adjust their use.

Compliments on personality (traits)

  1. Courteous
  2. Loved by everyone
  3. Loves people
  4. Children’s Love
  5. Loves learning
  6. Loves to help
  7. Loves to read
  8. Conversation lover
  9. Optimistic
  10. Strong personality
  11. Responsible
  12. Quality
  13. Caring
  14. Reliable
  15. Brave
  16. Real
  17. Human
  18. Energetic
  19. Assertive
  20. Noble
  21. Graduate
  22. Shy
  23. Built
  24. Has a comfortable personality
  25. Has a strong faith
  26. Self-confident
  27. Derech Eretz
  28. Benevolent
  29. Academic talent
  30. Has a Heart of Gold
  31. benevolent expression
  32. has good deeds
  33. Energetic
  34. Giving
  35. Has a good eye
  36. Principled
  37. Happiness
  38. Flexible
  39. Dominant
  40. Punctual
  41. Decisive
  42. leniente
  43. Cautious
  44. Flowing
  45. nimble
  46. Lovely
  47. Clever Guy
  48. friendly
  49. Thinking
  50. Positive person
  51. Essential
  52. Smiling
  53. Hot and warm
  54. laborious
  55. Good
  56. Kindness
  57. Thorough
  58. Stable
  59. Straight
  60. Submissive
  61. Not shy
  62. Uncritical
  63. Not opinionated
  64. Not angry
  65. Not stubborn
  66. Not stingy
  67. Not noisy
  68. Not overbearing
  69. A hearty person
  70. Balanced
  71. Organized
  72. Leader
  73. Calculated
  74. Respectful
  75. Honorable
  76. Contain
  77. Leader
  78. Neat
  79. Dedicated
  80. Interesting
  81. Practical
  82. Pleaser
  83. Funny
  84. Recipient
  85. Stick to times
  86. Listening
  87. Happy
  88. Family
  89. Moderate
  90. Thoughtful
  91. Interested
  92. Loyal
  93. Generous
  94. Relaxed
  95. Pleasant
  96. Pleasant conversation
  97. Clean
  98. Tolerant
  99. Authoritative
  100. Spontaneous
  101. Gentle
  102. Powerful
  103. Cheerful
  104. Humble
  105. Self-employed
  106. Value
  107. Simple
  108. Laughing
  109. Easy going
  110. Healthy Head
  111. Big head
  112. Relaxed
  113. Sensitive
  114. Sensitive to others
  115. merciful
  116. Emotional
  117. Serious
  118. Conservative
  119. Witty
  120. Consider
  121. Quiet
  122. naive
  123. Cultural

Praises on Investment, Achievements

(In this area there is less need for a list because it is possible to note the achievements themselves, so the list refers mainly to the qualities of doing)

  1. Takes command
  2. Dynamic
  3. Proamoter
  4. Efficient
  5. congratulations
  6. Organizer
  7. Fast
  8. Successful
  9. Polite
  10. A winner
  11. Investor
  12. Struggling
  13. Helping happily / always / with all my heart
  14. Timekeeping
  15. Active
  16. Activist

Praises on skills (subjects)

  1. An artist
  2. Intelligent
  3. Emotional intelligence
  4. Has excellent interpersonal relations
  5. Has a sense of humor
  6. Technical Sense
  7. Tactful
  8. Golden Hands
  9. Common sense
  10. Genius
  11. Smart
  12. Wisdom of life
  13. Knows how to cook
  14. Knows how to play
  15. Creative
  16. Speech
  17. Talented
  18. Scholar
  19. Understands interest
  20. gifted
  21. Intelligent
  22. genius
  23. a Deep person
  24. Clever
  25. Good communication

Spiritual praises

  1. Loves hashem
  2. Ahavat Torah
  3. Ben Torah
  4. Faithful Sages
  5. Correct view of Jewish life
  6. God-fearing
  7. Yeshiva
  8. Not modern
  9. painstaking in Halacha
  10. Respect his parents
  11. Receiving Torah Opinion
  12. Consults with the rabbis
  13. permanent
  14. Tzadik
  15. Modest
  16. Spiritual
  17. Right / good / high aspirations
  18. Eye Guard from bad things
  19. Conservation
  20. Diligent

External encourage (for spouse)

  1. Healthy
  2. Graceful
  3. Cute
  4. Beautiful (detail)
  5. Beautiful on you
  6. Charismatic
  7. Non-smoker
  8. Well-groomed
  9. Nice
  10. Pleasant
  11. Looks good
  12. Sympathetic

Powerful Extras encourages

(They have no self-meaning, but are appendices to another organization or situation from which the subject is evident)

  1. Champion
  2. Out of this world
  3. Amazing
  4. Expert
  5. Fantastic
  6. Special
  7. Excellent
  8. Charming
  9. something
  10. Wonderful
  11. Huge

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