תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ארצות הברית


what is the God of Abraham’s “actual” name.

thank you.


Hello & Greetings

The Creator of the universe is a unique and special God who was before the creation of the world and will be after it as well, He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and He is supreme ruler over all powers and creatures, from then on now and forever.

The exact name of the Creator of the universe is less important, because He has several names and several titles, but His names express His practices and change accordingly, since sometimes He leads the world with a measure of judgment and heroism, and sometimes He leads the world with a measure of grace and mercy.

Sometimes he is called the God of Abraham, sometimes he is called the God of Israel, sometimes he will be called the Creator of the universe or the Holy One, blessed be He, and sometimes he will be called simply “Hashem.”

In the Torah, it appears in the name of י – ה – ו – ה,: א-ד-נ-י, אלוהי-ם, א-ה-י-ה, ש-ד-י, צבאו-ת, אלו-ה

The most important thing is to recognize His reality, and to understand that if He created the world and created us, He has a purpose in this, and we have a purpose in the world, and therefore it is important that we fulfill our destiny and our role in the world, and the role He has designated for us is revealed to us in the Book of His Torah, which is to fulfill His commandments written in the Book of the Torah.

Best regards

Rabbi David Ohayon

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