תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: שוודיה


Hi, my name is Sofie and I am a student in Sweden working on Jewish belives. Right now, we are talking about the conflict with Hamas and Israel. I know that this is a hard question and I truly understand if you can’t or won’t answer my question
My question is how a Rabbi reflects on this conflict. Has your belives or stands changed
during this period
Lastly, The Mishnah tells us war is fundamentally a disgrace. Has that mindset .
changed during this horrible war

I would be truly thankfull for an answer
Best regards, Sofie


Hello & Greetings

Appreciate the courage to ask and find out firsthand an authentic Jewish rabbi, well done.

In general, it is important for me to clarify that according to Judaism, faith, outlook and laws do not change, because the Torah given to the Jewish people is eternal and unchangeable.

Therefore, even with regard to Judaism’s attitude toward war, one must stick to the sources in the Torah, the Talmud and the great ancient commentators.

In the Torah we find a division between two different types of war, a mitzvah war and a war of authority.

A mitzvah war in our time [that there is no king in Israel] is only in the event that an enemy comes to fight the people of Israel, and at such a time there is a mitzvah to fight the enemy and destroy it and remove the threat. A war of authority is to conquer more countries or territories.

A c mitzvah war is a mitzvah and an obligation, a war of authority is not permitted except according to a court of seventy-one, which is the highest authority in Judaism to issue an order to go to war.

Therefore, regarding the war currently prevailing in the Land of Israel between the Hamas terrorist organization, which launched a despicable murderous terrorist attack, penetrated the borders of the country with a surprise attack and murdered a rapist and abused and kidnapped old boys and girls, civilians and soldiers for the purpose of terror.

According to Judaism, this war is defined as a “war of commandment,” and it is a great mitzvah to participate in the war and destroy the terrorist organization above and below the face of the earth, in order to save the people of Israel from their threat.

Although according to Judaism there is a high moral value to avoid harming uninvolved civilians, such as innocent civilians, or women and children, and therefore if a lone terrorist leaves a neighborhood or city, it is forbidden to harm the residents of the city because of him.

However, when the war is against a people or a state that has chosen the rule of a terrorist organization, in such a case according to the Torah it is permissible to harm all citizens of that nation or state, in order to achieve the goal of destroying the terrorist organization.

This is the view of the Torah and Judaism according to the sources and reasons I have given for the answer below, and is not any alteration of any view or path, as stated.

Praying for days of peace and tranquility, flourishing and prosperity

Rabbi David Ohayon


Sources and reasoning:

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