תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ארצות הברית


I am currently 24 years old, and I take medicine to manage my paranoia and schizophrenia.

It came to my attention that when going to the bathroom (after taking my medication in the form of prescriptions), semen leaks out. It is a natural occurrence for my body and immune system. Not only that, but the medications reduce my sperm quality and count. And I wanted to know if this is considered an unintentional sin. (H-shem have mercy on me)

This is something that truly breaks my heart; it goes against my will and my soul, but in the end, my body gives in. I can’t take it any longer. I feel as if my soul, my life, my essence, and everything that H-shem has ever given me fall apart.

Furthermore, I always wanted to have children. I always wanted girls. I dream about having them; I want to raise lovely, innocent tzaddikot; and I want to get married as soon as possible. I wish everyone healthy, perfect children and a great family.

I will do everything in my power to raise them. I will guard my eyes and my thoughts; I won’t go astray after my hearth; I won’t give in to any form of temptation; I will diminish my evil incantation; I will always repent and cry; I will do teshuvah till there is nothing left of me. I will never give up hope. And I will put a fence around me and my Family to keep them safe from the all things evil. I will always trust in H-shem.

My Question down the Line is : is this considered an unintentional sin / tragedy? I really hope so. I can’t take it, my life is falling apart. (for now). And I really hope that H-shem has mercy on my Soul. I never wanted this to happen in the first place.


Hello & Greetings

I am painfully reading your question, sharing your grief and wishing you complete health soon.

To your question, you should know that sperm coming out of the body because of weakness and without the control or intention of the person, is not a wrongdoing, and you do not need to chastise yourself for it.

Of course, you should try as much as you can to avoid this, because even sperm that comes out without intention needs to be corrected for this, but leakage of sperm that is out of control and caused by weakness of the body, is not a sin.

Wishing you health and all the best

Rabbi David Ohayon


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