תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ישראל


Shalom Rav

I have a Jewish relative who is about to die, and I really want to honor him and work to raise his soul.

Now he is near his death, and I want to know what prayers I can say both at the funeral and at shiva?

Thank you



Hello & Greetings

Before death, it is important to say confession with the sick person, the text of the confession is presented in the arrangements after the “amidah” prayer, and it is also possible to say the text of the long confession of Yom kipur. If it is not possible to say the long confession, it is possible to say an abbreviated version: I will die as atonement for all my sins.mourning

At the time of dying and the departure of the soul, the verses of the Shema should be recited, and after can be added seven times the verse “The Lord is G-d”, the Lord is king, the Lord is king, the Lord will reign forever and forever.

At the funeral itself, eulogies are recited in praise of the deceased in order to awaken the listeners to awakening them to do good deeds and observance. And while the deceased is being taken for burial, he is accompanied by the recitation of the chapters of Psalms, especially chapter 91 of the Psalms.

During the shiva, we try to do good deeds for the elevation of the soul of the deceased, including lighting candles for the elevation of the soul, giving charity, and strengthening the observance of the commandments.

In addition, they try to hold prayers by ten Jewish men in the home of the deceased, and after the prayer to say “hashkavah”, which is a prayer for the elevation of the soul of the deceased.

It is important to know that the most beneficial thing for the elevation of the soul of the deceased is the recitation of Kaddish by the sons of the deceased, if you can take care of this, it will be a great favor for the elevation of the soul of the deceased.

It is very, very important to hold a Jewish funeral for the deceased, because before the funeral there is purification, as well as Jewish burial, in a Jewish cemetery, it is very important for the soul of the deceased, and it is a true grace to do so for the elevation of his soul.

Therefore I recommend that you contact an Orthodox Jewish rabbi in your area, if you do not find a rabbi in your area, try to contact the Chabad House, and they will help you organize a Jewish funeral with everything you need.

I greatly appreciate your efforts to do good for the soul of your Jewish relative.

Best regards for good news

Rabbi David Ohayon

Sources and reasoning

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