תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ישראל


Hello Rabbi

I would love to know whether King Solomon married the Queen of Sheba?

The Bible doesn’t tell about it.

I love Israel, do you know when the Third Temple in Jerusalem will be built for God’s sake,

May God bless Israel forever.

Best regards Arman from the UK


Hello & Greetings

Thank you for your greetings

We do not know when the Third Temple will be built, and we hope that it will be built very soon and very soon.

Regarding your question of whether King Solomon married the Queen of Sheba, indeed the Bible does not explicitly mention that King Solomon married the Queen of Sheba, but in the Midrash it is mentioned that King Solomon converted the Queen of Sheba and gave birth to a daughter from whom Nebuchadnezzar is her descended and destroyed the First Temple built by Solomon.

And in the Book of Chassidim he wrote that this is alluded to in the Old Testament (divray hayamim, chapter 9, verse 12), where it is written, that King Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba everything she wished, namely, that she became pregnant and gave birth to him.

Best regards

Rabbi David Ohayon


One Response

  1. Shalom Rabbi many blessings to you and all of Israel 🇮🇱 thank you so much for replying back to me as I am a Christian I love Israel and the Jewish people I pray for Israel that Hashem will save you from all the evil in this world I am reading the bible again for the second time as I have read it all through before . I didn’t know that Nebuchadnezzar was queen of shebas son I know he did destroy Solomon’s temple and every one was taken to Babylon for 70 years then the Jewish people came back and the second temple was built and the Romans destroyed it and now the third temple should be built many blessings and thank you so much again shalom from UK.

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