תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ארצות הברית


 Not sure that it matters, but after a DNA test last year I discovered that I am part
Jewish. I am an Orthodox Catholic, and respect the Jewish faith. The Pope has, in my, and many other Catholic views betrayed the faith. His last decree of Priests blessing same sex couples seems to be defying the Bible and God’s word . I recall in Exodus and in other passages, God holding all of the people including Mosses accountable for acts like this, for condoning it and going along with it. I love God, and my faith, but stopped going to mass in protest. I have continued my prayers and readings. I would like a Rabbi’s opinion, and if possible advice on if I am doing right by God, and what I should be doing. I apologize if asking you is inappropriate, but I know that Jewish Faith is at the core of our Old Testament, and who has the best Understanding, but God’s people.
Thank you for your Time, I pray that you can help guide me.


Hello & Greetings

A DNA resultalone does not determine Judaism, because you may have a Jewish father in the chain of generations, but Judaism is determined solely by the mother.

So continue to hold yourself as you have been until today as a Catholic.

Regarding your question about the treatment of same-sex couples, I am not familiar with Christianity’s attitude toward this, but I can tell you that according to Judaism, marriage between two men is a grave offense for both a Jew and a Gentile, and that from a time of remembrance it is abomination according to God.

The Torah permits a man to sleep only with his wife, as the Torah says in Genesis, chapter 2, verse 24, so a man will leave his father and mother and stick to his wife. And the sages demanded his wife and not the male, his wife and not his friend’s wife.

Best regards

Rabbi David Ohayon


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