הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: Your Question: BS”D. I had bris mila 67 years ago in a Los Angeles hospital performed by a Jewish physician (clearly, not so observant) in my third day of life. I have been observant for the last 32 years, and have always felt bad about this very personal issue. Thank G-d, blee ayin hara, I have 8 wonderful, observant children, six of whom are married living in Jerusalem. I have many grandchildren all living in Eretz ha Kodesh. My two oldest sons have smicha and one of them learns full time in kollel. I do not want this issue to become “public” knowledge in my family and only my wife knows about this very personal issue. She says that since I am so reluctant to “draw a drop of blood” that she will happily perform the brit for me, sort of like how Tzippora performed on her son Eliezer, in Sefer Shemot, Perek 4, posukim 19-20 (but hopefully, not with a sharp stone). By the way, my wife is a surgeon, and works in three different hospitals. Most halachic authorities hold that brit milah could be performed by a “mohelet” but it would be preferred to use a mohel. The halachah which is based on Avodah Zarah 27a follows the opinion of Rabbi Yochanan, which means that a woman is permitted to perform a brit. If my wife performs this very minor surgical procedure, should I say the traditional bracha beforehand? Do you have any opinions on my emotionally “painful” situation? I would appreciate any input.

: I understand very much and feel your feelings, and I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been bearing this pain in your heart for so many years. It is important that you know that in terms of Halacha, you do not need “draw a drop of blood”, because the opinion of The bait Yosef that those who circumcised before eight days of his birth do not need the “draw a drop of blood” as the Rama ruled in Halacha,יורה דעה סימן רסב סק”א)). Although even if the doctor who is not so observant, the ‘milah’ is kosher and there is no need to do a blood-preaching alliance. Therefore, you must be happy for yourself that your body is whole and so it has been, and you do not need “draw a drop of blood”. Be happy with your wonderful children, a great privilege. You have a big zachut that your children are wise and observant students. Strong and adoptive, and you and your devoted wife will be privileged to cherish most of your wonderful children, out of longevity and health, artist.     Sources and reasoning



Your Question: BS”D. I had bris mila 67 years ago in a Los Angeles hospital performed by a Jewish physician (clearly, not so observant) in my third day of life. I have been observant for the last 32 years, and have always felt bad about this very personal issue. Thank G-d, blee ayin hara, I have 8 wonderful, observant children, six of whom are married living in Jerusalem. I have many grandchildren all living in Eretz ha Kodesh. My two oldest sons have smicha and one of them learns full time in kollel. I do not want this issue to become “public” knowledge in my family and only my wife knows about this very personal issue. She says that since I am so reluctant to “draw a drop of blood” that she will happily perform the brit for me, sort of like how Tzippora performed on her son Eliezer, in Sefer Shemot, Perek 4, posukim 19-20 (but hopefully, not with a sharp stone). By the way, my wife is a surgeon, and works in three different hospitals. Most halachic authorities hold that brit milah could be performed by a “mohelet” but it would be preferred to use a mohel. The halachah which is based on Avodah Zarah 27a follows the opinion of Rabbi Yochanan, which means that a woman is permitted to perform a brit. If my wife performs this very minor surgical procedure, should I say the traditional bracha beforehand? Do you have any opinions on my emotionally “painful” situation? I would appreciate any input.


I understand very much and feel your feelings, and I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been bearing this pain in your heart for so many years.

It is important that you know that in terms of Halacha, you do not need “draw a drop of blood”, because the opinion of The bait Yosef that those who circumcised before eight days of his birth do not need the “draw a drop of blood” as the Rama ruled in Halacha,יורה דעה סימן רסב סק”א)).

Although even if the doctor who is not so observant, the ‘milah’ is kosher and there is no need to do a blood-preaching alliance.

Therefore, you must be happy for yourself that your body is whole and so it has been, and you do not need “draw a drop of blood”.

Be happy with your wonderful children, a great privilege. You have a big zachut that your children are wise and observant students.

Strong and adoptive, and you and your devoted wife will be privileged to cherish most of your wonderful children, out of longevity and health, artist.



Sources and reasoning

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