הרב מאיר פנחסי - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on with all my heart, and I will

you briefly, because it is clear that you are wise man.

Know my dear brother, that they already said in the Talmud, that children and life and parnassa does not come to a person because he deserve it, rather the reason he gets it is a matter of luck. I mean, some things don’t depend on rights! And one of them is the matter of making a living, a person can hold with elegance and hasidism all the mitzvot and still remain without a livelihood, it is just a matter of luck, before a man was born, he was doomed if they were rich or poor, Talmud Neda (Page 16:).

Yet do not give up!

Sometimes the difficulty of making a living is only for a short period of time that is sentenced to the person, and soon after that, the wheel turns on him and rises up again. and we have also seen in our eyes many people who were living a life of stress and then opening their luck, meaning that they are doomed to go through a period of stress.


A man has the power to change his fortune by blandness, and as our rabbis revealed to us in the Talmud Masakat Shabbat (Page 156. and Rashi there) that the power of man’s prayer to change his luck is also derived from having no children and yet they implored prayer and answered. And the Creator awaits your prayer. (For a good parnasa it is recommended to pray by shema kolenu in amidah).


I will write you some tested and experienced tips according to Chazal for a segula for parnassah:


It is very useful to be careful with some things that can open your luck, 1. Blessing of food out of siddur and with great intention. 2. Saying “poteah et yadecha” with intent.  3. Saying “mizmor ldavid Hashem Roy ect’” (chapter 23 in psalms). 4. Be careful not to throw bread and that even in your home will not be thrown away, as well as leftover foods of flour such as cakes, etc. 5. Make sure you give masarot of your salary. 6. You must be very careful about matters of finance and that you do not have a connections with not kosher money.


I pray, that the creator of the whole world, will feed you and your family with dignity and wealth, and that you will no longer need support and help from now, Amen.




So the reason I’m writing this is because I can’t seem to get it right no matter what I do and I want to understand and stop the whatever thing that is blocking the flow of my parnasah, because I study Torah 5 days out of the week and I also try to do mitzvahs here and there and almost everyday when I have a chance to do a mitzvah I do it for my flow of my parnasah to be greater but for some reason i’m still struggling financially. And i’m applying too jobs almost everyday, so I put in the work and effort to be better financially but for some reason stuff is not getting better financially. And to put things on top of that when I do my morning prayers and wear my Tefillin I do an extra prayer from my heart to G-D for he could show me mercy and unblock the flow of my parnasah. Thus, for some reason which only G-D knows on why my flow of parnasah is not flowing, because I’m struggling financially and I want to be able to stand on my own to feet financially, because I don’t like it that my parents is still helping me out financially and sometimes my brothers which it doesn’t make me feel good.



I have read your question with all my heart, and I will answer you briefly, because it is clear that you are wise man.

Know my dear brother, that they already said in the Talmud, that children and life and parnassa does not come to a person because he deserve it, rather the reason he gets it is a matter of luck. I mean, some things don’t depend on rights! And one of them is the matter of making a living, a person can hold with elegance and hasidism all the mitzvot and still remain without a livelihood, it is just a matter of luck, before a man was born, he was doomed if they were rich or poor, Talmud Neda (Page 16:).

Yet do not give up!

  1. Sometimes the difficulty of making a living is only for a short period of time that is sentenced to the person, and soon after that, the wheel turns on him and rises up again. and we have also seen in our eyes many people who were living a life of stress and then opening their luck, meaning that they are doomed to go through a period of stress.


  1. A man has the power to change his fortune by blandness, and as our rabbis revealed to us in the Talmud Masakat Shabbat (Page 156. and Rashi there) that the power of man’s prayer to change his luck is also derived from having no children and yet they implored prayer and answered. And the Creator awaits your prayer. (For a good parnasa it is recommended to pray by shema kolenu in amidah).


  1. I will write you some tested and experienced tips according to Chazal for a segula for parnassah:


It is very useful to be careful with some things that can open your luck, 1. Blessing of food out of siddur and with great intention. 2. Saying “poteah et yadecha” with intent.  3. Saying “mizmor ldavid Hashem Roy ect'” (chapter 23 in psalms). 4. Be careful not to throw bread and that even in your home will not be thrown away, as well as leftover foods of flour such as cakes, etc. 5. Make sure you give masarot of your salary. 6. You must be very careful about matters of finance and that you do not have a connections with not kosher money.


I pray, that the creator of the whole world, will feed you and your family with dignity and wealth, and that you will no longer need support and help from now, Amen.



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The segulah of the Chidah ztz"l to raise luck

The Chief Rabbi of the Institute, together with dozens of Torah sages, will perform the Chidah’s segulah for you to raise your “Mazal” (luck, destiny), at the time of the opening of the Aron HaKodesh.

With Divine kindness, many were saved from their problems with this segulah!

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