תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ישראל


What language did the serpent speak when he tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit?


Robert Dawson


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There are two main interpretations in annotating the serpent’s speech with Eve,

In one interpretation, it was the evil inclination known as ‘Satan’ that spoke from the mouth of the serpent, and it was not the serpent that spoke itself and with its power to Eve.

In another interpretation, the serpent itself spoke and seduced Eve, since the serpent before sin and before it was punished was almost as high as man, and would walk on its feet upright and had hands, and after the sin he was punished for having his hands and feet chopped off, and in all his food he felt only the taste of dirt and deprived him of the power of speech.

We do not know in what language the serpent spoke to Eve, because we do not have the understanding and attainment of the power and status of Adam and Eve prior to sin and before eating them from the Tree of Knowledge, perhaps God created them with the power of speech and understanding. Indeed, it is clear that there was a talk and communication between them, as it is stated in the Torah that God spoke to Adam and Eve, and it turns out that in this way the serpent also spoke to Adam and Eve.

Rabbi David Ohayon

Sources and reasoning:

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