תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ארצות הברית



Hi Rabbi,

my name is Bracha or english name is jade. i have a complicated situation .i am considered a saris , that i was born a boy but had developmental issues and eventually took the steps at 14 years to become a woman. i know it’s a sin to castrate but i told myself i could not live in that form of my body so i must do it. Now i am 23 years old and seen as a woman in my daily life, i work as a helper for a 93 old jewish woman and study religion at school. i know i can never get married because of my situation. but what about raising an orphaned child? and do i need to follow tznius of a woman. recently a religious acquaintance of mine who does not know my situation told me i need to work on my modesty because i was causing him impure thoughts. i feel as though i am stuck in a hard place but i love Hashem and my judaism so much , any advice please


Hello & Greetings

First I am sorry to hear about the complicated situation and your unpleasant feeling.

Indeed, as you wrote in the question, there is a strict prohibition against castration, in addition, according to Judaism, a person born male, even if he has changed to a woman, is not considered a woman, and therefore cannot marry a man.

But with regard to adopting an orphaned child, it is certainly permitted by halacha, and it is also recommended, because by doing so, it can give and achieve a sense of giving and satisfaction in raising a child.

Regarding the laws of modesty, although according to Judaism a person born male remains so even if he reassignment surgery, but a man is also forbidden to cause bad reflections to others, so it is definitely incumbent on you to make an effort to act in a way that will not cause other people to ponder and have impure thoughts.

May the Almighty influence you with abundance, blessing and success,

To succeed in repentance of what was done, and to endeavor to keep the commandments from then on.

Rabbi David Ohayon


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