הרה"ג מאיר פנחסי
Country: ישראל

on: I am over Bar Mitzvah and I love going to minyan and learning Torah. I play a couple of musical instruments because my parents want me to play them and that was fine but I found out they want to sign me up to go to a non Jewish orchestra during the night but I will miss Minyan for Mincha and Marriv. As long as my parents dont lose money do I have to let them sign me up or do I have to go.

: I understand your heart and your question very well! In Halacha it is explained that even though a person is a commanded to respect his father and a mother and this is one of the great commandments that we have in the Torah, in any case if his father or mother asks him to transgress anything from the Torah or from the words of ‘chachamim’ and even from the abolition of the mitzvah of Derabanan, , he does not have to hear in their voices, and in the matter of your question, apart from you not davning mincha and Arabit in a minyan, when you are in an orchestra of gentiles there are other things there that involve the prohibitions of Torah and Derabanan, (make sure there are no girls there and so on, and you have to understand the case), and therefore since you are already big and stand by your opinion, make things clear to them in a respectful way, and I am sure that things that come out of the heart will enter the hearts. And I am sure that for this you will gain happiness and spiritual and physical wealth. Sources


I am over Bar Mitzvah and I love going to minyan and learning Torah. I play a couple of musical instruments because my parents want me to play them and that was fine but I found out they want to sign me up to go to a non Jewish orchestra during the night but I will miss Minyan for Mincha and Marriv. As long as my parents dont lose money do I have to let them sign me up or do I have to go.


I understand your heart and your question very well!

In Halacha it is explained that even though a person is a commanded to respect his father and a mother and this is one of the great commandments that we have in the Torah, in any case if his father or mother asks him to transgress anything from the Torah or from the words of ‘chachamim’ and even from the abolition of the mitzvah of Derabanan, , he does not have to hear in their voices, and in the matter of your question, apart from you not davning mincha and Arabit in a minyan, when you are in an orchestra of gentiles there are other things there that involve the prohibitions of Torah and Derabanan, (make sure there are no girls there and so on, and you have to understand the case), and therefore since you are already big and stand by your opinion, make things clear to them in a respectful way, and I am sure that things that come out of the heart will enter the hearts.

And I am sure that for this you will gain happiness and spiritual and physical wealth.


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