Country: ארצות הברית


Is it possible to be Jewish – without believing in Judaism?


Hello & Greetings

Being Jewish is not something that depends on choice or faith, a Jew is someone born to a Jewish mother.

Belief in Judaism does not positively or negatively affect the factual fact whether he is Jewish or not. But a person who is not Jewish will not benefit from believing in Judaism, and if he is a Jew it will not benefit him from not believing in Judaism.

Of course, a person who is Jewish and does not believe in Judaism loses greatly, because since he is a Jew, he has the ability to fulfill his destiny as a believing Jew, and fulfill the commandments of God commanded by the Jews, and whoever wants to lose it.

Therefore, every Jew must study his duties and rights as a Jew and recognize his duty to his Creator and fulfill His commandments, in order to take advantage of his status as part of the Chosen People of Israel, and to gain the closeness of his Creator in fulfilling His commandments, and to prepare himself for the next world where he will receive his reward for doing God’s will in this world.

Sources and reasoning:

2 Responses

  1. Ok thanks that kind of makes sense to me but what makes someone’s mother Jewish if it’s not faith that part I’m am still unsure of how that works?

    1. Greetings
      Judaism is a heritage to the people of Israel, the Jewish people, this heritage is passed from mother to child from generation to generation and does not depend on any belief in Judaism. Therefore the identity of the mother also depends solely on the question of whether her mother was Jewish or not. The only possibility for a non-Jew to become a Jew is only through conversion.

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