הרה"ג אליהו בחבוט לומד
Country: ישראל


 I heard that there is a virtue to wear a ring with a ruby stone when the woman is pregnant. Is this true? And what are the sources for this? Thank you.


The Rubi Stone is an ancient and correct virtue to prevent miscarriage. And it is by a pregnant woman carrying the stone on her (by a necklace – which is preferable then a ring, but it is correct to make sure that the rubi stone touches the woman’s flesh) throughout the months of pregnancy.

And it is also beneficial for fertility if you grind the stone and sprinkle a little in food or drink (in a way that does not risk it, of course).


2 Responses

  1. Shalom Rabbi, I am already wearing a ring with a small Ruby touching my skin but still waiting, it took me long to get married and I feel that my name was not suitable and I better change to a name that has suitable letters to get pregnant and make my life easier ( please choose for me 3 female names that are suitable for having many children and a Happy life ) one will choose for me and rest if I have daughters. many thanks Rabbi

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