הרה"ג מאיר פנחסי
Country: ישראל

on: I was born Jewish as my mother is Jewish. I was given a middle name that was not Jewish not by my parents . I never had a Brit or an official naming ceremony. I chose by my mother and myself to adopt the name David and this was used to then called up to the Torah when I had my bar mitzvah. I’m not sure however if this is enough and if I should officially do a naming ceremony. And remove my middle name given to me that Ino longer wish to have . I have chosen the name David as my Jewish name . Thank you very much in advance

: The essence of the name of a person’s identity is usually determined at the time of circumcision by his parents or by one of his associates, and at the born of a daughter the custom of calling her name, at the time of ascension to the Torah. Likewise, when a person chooses to change or add a name, there is a special wording that is said to ten people and it is good to do so before a Torah scroll, and in any case, even if you do not do one of these things, and you have chosen a name for yourself, and this name is established by many, and everyone knows you by that name, it is your name, and in it you ascend to the Torah and in it you are blessed before a tzadik, And this is your name and essence. And if so, your name “David” is a name for all intents and purposes, and the gentile name has settled and is no longer. Sources


I was born Jewish as my mother is Jewish. I was given a middle name that was not Jewish not by my parents . I never had a Brit or an official naming ceremony. I chose by my mother and myself to adopt the name David and this was used to then called up to the Torah when I had my bar mitzvah. I’m not sure however if this is enough and if I should officially do a naming ceremony. And remove my middle name given to me that Ino longer wish to have . I have chosen the name David as my Jewish name . Thank you very much in advance


The essence of the name of a person’s identity is usually determined at the time of circumcision by his parents or by one of his associates, and at the born of a daughter the custom of calling her name, at the time of ascension to the Torah.

Likewise, when a person chooses to change or add a name, there is a special wording that is said to ten people and it is good to do so before a Torah scroll, and in any case, even if you do not do one of these things, and you have chosen a name for yourself, and this name is established by many, and everyone knows you by that name, it is your name, and in it you ascend to the Torah and in it you are blessed before a tzadik, And this is your name and essence. And if so, your name “David” is a name for all intents and purposes, and the gentile name has settled and is no longer.


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