לוגו משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

Quastion: I married with older man(25 years different)

I came from poor background and was attracted with his material status.I was never attract in him as a men however I have big respect to him for beeing loyal and straight person.When we married he wasn’t religious me either but I was very determined to change it and we got BH 4 children and living very religious life.We are lerning and willing to do more and more mitzvos,we have build mikvah in our house and Aharon hakodesh for our Torah BH.however we have since we’ve met very hard marital intercouurse.I feel literally disgust of him ,always been like this but I was blinded myself with all the gifts I was receiving.I feel as a lyer.I am lying myself and lying to him .Hashem gave me a lesson and I am burned inside.more and more I am not able to be with him feel like my neshama want to leave my body.Please consult with the Rabay my case .I want to know if it’s my tikun I will continue suffer for redemption but If I am lyer I want to know.please help


First of all, it is important to know that every woman is supposed to
enjoy the relationship with her husband, and the large age differences
are not recommended when approaching the choice of a groom, but still
it should not interfere with the matter of enjoying the relationship.

And therefore, in your matter the issue is to find out why the so
natural pleasure that should have been, is in a lack, because there is
no difference between the women.

So for clarifying this matter, i will recommend 2 steps:

A.    Turn to a qualified “bridal counselor”, and ask her for guidance
like a young bride, when it comes to marital life.

B.      It is very possible that the subject is not at all physical,
but the impediment to pleasure is due to the subconscious. Sometimes a
person has some hidden “gain”, of which one is not aware, and from
that purpose the person brings himself to these and other situations,
even that he suffers from the same situations, and that suffering is
not worth the gain, but in the subconscious he seeks the same “gain”.

In short, it is very possible, That you have some hidden “gain” (thay
do not have to be a logical gain), and because of that, you do not let
yourself enjoy the connection (even in the physical sense of interest,
because our subconscious is very strong and can also affect the
physical part). Professionally, it is not recommended that I will give
examples of what can be your “profit”, usually, the right way to find
out the profit is by asking you a lot of questions about what you
think, until you come to a conclusion what the profit is. and since in
this framework we answer you through writing and not directly, and
there is no possibility of asking questions and getting answers, I
will give a small example of what the profit can be, so from this
example you can understand the general idea so that you can do work
and search in your souls what profit is hidden here, but it is very
important that you do not accept this example as the truth, and you
will not see yourself as “guilty” of something.

The example only illustrates how we can have a hidden profit that
brings such results. And here is the example: it is possible that even
before the marriage you were afraid that you were going to get married
because of interests (economic status exc.) and not in a pure and
clean way, and therefore you (subconsciously) prefer not to enjoy the
relationship, as a kind of feeling of “honesty” that you do not
deserve to enjoy, and this is what you feel (all in the subconscious)
a kind of “assumption” in the supposed dishonesty of the marriage, and
this may be the hidden “gain”. Another possible example: by not
enjoying the relationship, your husband notices it (whether
consciously or not), and in any case he tries harder to please you,
more attention (as expressed what  you mentioned), which is also a
kind of profit.

Of course, logically, all these “profits” are not worth the suffering
of the lack of pleasure in your relationship, but our subconscious
does not have to make sense, it is perceived for some kind of “profit”
and takes care of it without a lot of accounts. That is why your work
should be to look for what profit you have when you feel that it
rejects you and you do not feel a desire for a relationship (which is
a natural desire), and then when it comes to consciousness, it will
already be much easier to neutralize this disorder, and you will reach
the natural state that there is in every woman, that you will enjoy
the relationship in all aspects.

Good luck!!


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