הרב עמיאל ארבה
Country: ארצות הברית

on: Since under the laws of the state it is forbidden to sell tobacco or alcohol products to who is less than 18 years of age, and because of this many times young men stand at the door of the store and ask adults to buy themselves from the above products and they will pay them, is it right to buy these products for them.

: It is not forbidden to buy minors who ask an adult to buy alcohol or cigarettes for them, etc. However, if according to the time of purchase, or the matter, it seems clear that his intention is in fact do do something forbidden, such as at the time near the entrance of shabbat, although at the time of purchase there is not yet an act of prohibition, still one must not cause them to do any prohibition, or to increase the prohibition at all. [Of course, all of these things are from Din of ‘lifnei iver’, and the Din of assisted by transgressors, but many times the person can come into ‘chilul hashem’ if he buys them, from the seller or the other buyers, or by practicing them the young people to achieve all that they have initiated to do without restraint to their spirit]. Reasoning  



Since under the laws of the state it is forbidden to sell tobacco or alcohol products to who is less than 18 years of age, and because of this many times young men stand at the door of the store and ask adults to buy themselves from the above products and they will pay them, is it right to buy these products for them.


It is not forbidden to buy minors who ask an adult to buy alcohol or cigarettes for them, etc. However, if according to the time of purchase, or the matter, it seems clear that his intention is in fact do do something forbidden, such as at the time near the entrance of shabbat, although at the time of purchase there is not yet an act of prohibition, still one must not cause them to do any prohibition, or to increase the prohibition at all.

[Of course, all of these things are from Din of ‘lifnei iver’, and the Din of assisted by transgressors, but many times the person can come into ‘chilul hashem’ if he buys them, from the seller or the other buyers, or by practicing them the young people to achieve all that they have initiated to do without restraint to their spirit].



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