לוגו משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: Hello. I have a question about keeping kosher. If a non kosher can of corn was poured in a kosher sink. And I only remembered to kosherize the sink many days after, does that mean that I need to kosherize all my dishes that I washed in that sink? Do I kosherize the kitchen? Thank you.

: As far as you intended, to a chilled can of non-kosher corn kernels, spilled into the sink. If this is indeed the case that the dish is cold, it is enough to wash the sink with cold water and soap, so that there is no residue left from the non-kosher dish. More then that, it is even allowed to first pour the corn into the sink, and then clean it with soap and water. In your case, that many days have passed since then, and you do not know that something from the corn intervened, there is no need to do anything! However, if it is a different case, that the corn was hot from the fire, or had additional additions, or fat – a clear question should be addressed again, with all the details – and we will answer accordingly. Greetings Rabbi Chaim Zafarani.   Sources and Scores



Hello. I have a question about keeping kosher. If a non kosher can of corn was poured in a kosher sink. And I only remembered to kosherize the sink many days after, does that mean that I need to kosherize all my dishes that I washed in that sink? Do I kosherize the kitchen? Thank you.


As far as you intended, to a chilled can of non-kosher corn kernels, spilled into the sink. If this is indeed the case that the dish is cold, it is enough to wash the sink with cold water and soap, so that there is no residue left from the non-kosher dish. More then that, it is even allowed to first pour the corn into the sink, and then clean it with soap and water.

In your case, that many days have passed since then, and you do not know that something from the corn intervened, there is no need to do anything!

However, if it is a different case, that the corn was hot from the fire, or had additional additions, or fat – a clear question should be addressed again, with all the details – and we will answer accordingly.

Greetings Rabbi Chaim Zafarani.


Sources and Scores

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