הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: Hello Rabbi, Sorry for the question, if G-d is merciful, why did He created cancer and other diseases for which no cure has yet been given? And that s is the way of a person who feels sorry and mercy for giving a disease and does not give a solution?  

:   Your question is very important and honest. The truth is as you mentioned in your question, that there is no way for the lover, to do anything sorrow or harm to his beloved. However, there are situations in which it is precisely the greatest lover who is the first to run to cause certain grief and certain damage to his beloved in order to achieve the damage to the beloved. For example, imagine a case in which a devoted father has an only beloved son, and his son’s leg developed severe necrosis, and in order to save the son’s life, the doctors said that it was unequivocally necessary to amputate the son’s leg. Wouldn’t the father be the first one to run to take his son to the hospital to amputate his leg, despite the pain and sorrow involved? You will agree with me that any person who does not know and does not see that the son has necrosis in the leg, if he sees the father making an effort to have the son’s leg amputated, will ask whether this is the father’s way of doing so to his beloved son. So as, the answer to your question, our vision is very limited, we do not know the reason why G-d punishes His beloved creatures with incurable, so painful and so distressing diseases. But one thing we know, G-d loves His creatures more than a man loves His only daughter. The reason why G-d gives a sick person and an unknown person a loss is for his own good, because G-d sees it as a good thing for man, who will repair his soul in this, sometimes it is to atone for his iniquity, sometimes it is to correct a sin from a previous incarnation, and sometimes it is to try him and test his faith in his Creator, in order to bestow upon him for his compliance with an eternal reward attempt in the world to come, the world of eternity and truth.. Indeed the experience is great, but know that G-d truly loves His creatures, and everything He does is for their benefit. And the one who believes in the complete belief that G-d does his creatures only good, calmer and happier, and goes through the difficulties easier, and most importantly that thanks to standing in his faith he will receive the true reward in the eternal world. In addition, the Creator of the world has also given the sick person many good things, and the sick person also needs to thank G-d for every day that still gets to get up in the morning to hear and see love and enjoy the good things that the world allows. From family to children and friends. Blessed that we will soon get to see the good in everything, And you will soon get to see good and blessing and health all your days.  Sources and reasoning


Hello Rabbi,

Sorry for the question, if G-d is merciful, why did He created cancer and other diseases for which no cure has yet been given?

And that s is the way of a person who feels sorry and mercy for giving a disease and does not give a solution?




Your question is very important and honest.

The truth is as you mentioned in your question, that there is no way for the lover, to do anything sorrow or harm to his beloved.

However, there are situations in which it is precisely the greatest lover who is the first to run to cause certain grief and certain damage to his beloved in order to achieve the damage to the beloved.

For example, imagine a case in which a devoted father has an only beloved son, and his son’s leg developed severe necrosis, and in order to save the son’s life, the doctors said that it was unequivocally necessary to amputate the son’s leg. Wouldn’t the father be the first one to run to take his son to the hospital to amputate his leg, despite the pain and sorrow involved?

You will agree with me that any person who does not know and does not see that the son has necrosis in the leg, if he sees the father making an effort to have the son’s leg amputated, will ask whether this is the father’s way of doing so to his beloved son.

So as, the answer to your question, our vision is very limited, we do not know the reason why G-d punishes His beloved creatures with incurable, so painful and so distressing diseases. But one thing we know, G-d loves His creatures more than a man loves His only daughter.

The reason why G-d gives a sick person and an unknown person a loss is for his own good, because G-d sees it as a good thing for man, who will repair his soul in this, sometimes it is to atone for his iniquity, sometimes it is to correct a sin from a previous incarnation, and sometimes it is to try him and test his faith in his Creator, in order to bestow upon him for his compliance with an eternal reward attempt in the world to come, the world of eternity and truth..

Indeed the experience is great, but know that G-d truly loves His creatures, and everything He does is for their benefit. And the one who believes in the complete belief that G-d does his creatures only good, calmer and happier, and goes through the difficulties easier, and most importantly that thanks to standing in his faith he will receive the true reward in the eternal world.

In addition, the Creator of the world has also given the sick person many good things, and the sick person also needs to thank G-d for every day that still gets to get up in the morning to hear and see love and enjoy the good things that the world allows. From family to children and friends.

Blessed that we will soon get to see the good in everything,

And you will soon get to see good and blessing and health all your days.

 Sources and reasoning

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