עמוד השער של ספר מדרש תנחומא
Country: ישראל


I have two questions that hopefully you can help with. So my first question is that I have some holy books like a Chumash, some siddurs that the pages are torn. Thus, can I tape them back together or try to glue them back together and it will be kosher for daily use again? or those holy books are not kosher anymore?. And the pages are torn in half unfortunately, and also I have some other editions of Torah books that the spine of the books are torn and coming off are those kosher for use? or are they not kosher anymore?

My second question is connected to my first question. So if those holy books are not kosher anymore and if I have a backyard where sometimes my dog uses to go to the restroom and probably other natural animals use to go to the restroom also in my backyard, thus would it be okay to burry those holy books in my backyard?. In addition I have other holy objects that are not kosher anymore like for example a pair of tefillin, the ram hair from the head tefillin came off from daily use and also the straps are wearing off and the paint for the tefillin box are coming off also. And I have tzitzit that the actual tzitzit are not kosher anymore from frequent use. Also I have a Tallit that is not kosher anymore from daily use, because from normal wear and tear, and the tzitzit from the tallit are not kosher either from normal wear and tear and the tallit has a hole from normal wear and tear also its really dirty and dingy from daily use also. And one of my leather kippah is starting to get a small tear from daily use. So my actual question is for those holy objects that I mention can I burry them? or can I burn them into ashes in my chimney? which my chimney is brand new never burned any wood or anything in the chimney. And finally lets say I have another fire place where I only strictly burn wood can I use that fire place instead if of course its permitted to burn into ashes to dispose of holy objects. Thhank you for your time.



Hello to the honorable gentleman!

  1. You do not have to make an effort to glue the Holy Books when they are in a state of use  as you describe, and since they are out of use, you must make sure to prune them in a respectable place.
  2. Do not prune in a place that could cause them disgrace, so you placed them in a covered vessel and buried them deep in the ground and if not, look for another place to prune them.
  3. All the objects you have described may be pruned, and as stated above, please place them in a box and then close it and bury them in the ground with the aforementioned objects of commandment and holiness.
  4. Under no burn the tefillin and holy books, and this is strictly prohibited, even if they are put out of use.

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