תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ישראל



A Jew marries a Gentile bride, Is it okay during such a ceremony to have an exposed tattoo?

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According to Judaism, it is indeed forbidden to get a tattoo, and although the prohibition is the making of the tattoo and not the very reality of the tattoo on the body, it is not appropriate to wear an exposed tattoo during the chuppah, since the status of the chuppah is the exalted status of establishing a home in Israel, and G-d inspires His dwelling during the chuppah.

But from your question, I understand that you are asking about the canopy of a Jew and a Gentile, it is important for you to know that there is no such thing as a wedding of a Jew and a Gentile, because according to the Torah there is no marriage between a Jew and a Gentile, and it is just an imaginary ceremony that has no exaltation and no inspiration from the Shechina. Whoever cares about the honor of the Divine presence must refrain from attending such a ceremony.

It is difficult to even read these words that a Jew marries a Gentile bride. Because a Jew who chooses to marry a non-Jew causes all his children to be gentiles, and causes himself that his children will not be part of the people of Israel, how can we accept this?

Besides, it is a very severe prohibition according to the Torah that a Jew should live with a non-Jew, and a Jew who chooses to do so will live his entire life in prohibition and sin against the Creator of the universe, and even when he wants a connection with the Creator of the Universe, he will be ashamed to turn to Him, because of this, isn’t it a shame? How can a Jew choose to cut himself off from his people and G-d?

So if you can influence to prevent this relationship, you will be blessed. Even if you don’t, try to express your displeasure with this, because this is an act forbidden by the Torah and is an act that upsets the Creator of the universe.

If you do choose to participate in such a ceremony, know that there is no holiness or inspiration from the Divine presence in it, and there is no impediment to being in it with an exposed tattoo, insofar as exposing the tattoo does not lack modesty.

The Seal with Pain and Prayer for Imminent Redemption

Rabbi David Ohayon


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