הרב לומד
Country: ישראל


Hello, What are the days of the “שובבי”ם” Shvavim? And what should be done these days?

The days of the Shvavim are six weeks in which the Torah reads Parashat S’hemot, V’ara, B’A, B’Shlach, Y’taru, M’Sheftim – which are the first letters of these parshyot: and it alludes to a verse in Jeremiah (3:14) שובו בנים שובבים נאם ה’. (And in a leap year, the weeks of torah parshyot will also be added, and then there will be the initials shovavim T.T.). According to Rabbeinu H’arizal, these days they are capable of correcting “youthful sins” (sperm to abort , as well as other issues related to the damage of the elemental degree such as a keeping the eyes and thought, etc.), of course together with the complete repentance to these iniquities.

הודעה על שובבי"ם

[And the לבוש באו”ח סי’ תרפ”ה סע’ א’ wrote some reasons according to the simplification of what they used to do selichot and poverty in the days of the Shvavim, and according to the reasons he wrote there, this matter belongs only to a leap year. However, Maran ha-Hida wrote: “And the custom is in all the years (i.e., even when the year is not leap year), but in a leap year corrects more to do so].

And in in “Elaboration and Sources” – we will explain in the a short way the heads of chapters regarding the source of the days of the shovavim, and what we are tasked to do these days, and the matter of fasting these days, and the matter of “redemption” by charity, and various things. And there I brought the opinion of Maran Rabbino Ovadia Yosef Zaleh For the purposes of Torah scholars, who do not have to fast so they will not weaken their power to study Torah, because the study of Torah atones more than anything else. nor do they have to do the order of reading the Psalms corrected by rabbi Alfia Z”l, and there will also be a law for workers, if they can be tortured, or there is a fear of theft from the employer because they are weakened.


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