הרב ראובן הרדי משיב כהלכה
Country: ארצות הברית

on: Hello, I was at my cousin’s ‘sheva berachot’, and I got to talk to my cousin about her brother’s wedding. And we talked about a lot about getting married, and that it’s real happiness, and other things about it, and then she said to me, “Come on, let’s get married.” And without saying a word, I took a 100 shekel bill out of my pocket and gave it her and she took it. And there were some friends of my cousin’s who saw it all. And then friends told me that this thing was serious and it might actually be called that I married her, and she can’t now marry others without getting a divorce from me. What do you say, it really is like that?

: In general, the issue is very serious, and there are really cases like those that need to be feared that there was kiddushin here and she needs a divorce so she can marry others. But in your particular case, if i got the details accurately, since you have not said a word that shows that you want to marry her (this condition is critical), one can be ‘maykel’ according to the opinion of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Z”l. But please do not do such things anymore, and also without learning from this case to another case, because any small detail may change the law. Sources


Hello, I was at my cousin’s ‘sheva berachot’, and I got to talk to my cousin about her brother’s wedding. And we talked about a lot about getting married, and that it’s real happiness, and other things about it, and then she said to me, “Come on, let’s get married.” And without saying a word, I took a 100 shekel bill out of my pocket and gave it her and she took it. And there were some friends of my cousin’s who saw it all. And then friends told me that this thing was serious and it might actually be called that I married her, and she can’t now marry others without getting a divorce from me. What do you say, it really is like that?


In general, the issue is very serious, and there are really cases like those that need to be feared that there was kiddushin here and she needs a divorce so she can marry others. But in your particular case, if i got the details accurately, since you have not said a word that shows that you want to marry her (this condition is critical), one can be ‘maykel’ according to the opinion of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Z”l. But please do not do such things anymore, and also without learning from this case to another case, because any small detail may change the law.


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Attention: You should not learn from one case to another, each case must be analyzed individually. Generally speaking, it's always best to have contact with a Rabbi in person, not just virtual contact. Note that where there is a local Rabbi("Mara Deatra"), one should ask him. The answers are under the responsibility of the rabbi who responded, and not under the responsibility of the website and/or the Head of the Institution.

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