הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: Do I need to wait 6 hours after a sharp food? If I eat chicken soup which cooked onion cut with a meat knife, should I wait, despite the soup being meat in the first place? Would I be able to put in my Invisalign in right after I eat, or do I need to eat six hours for the onion to leave my mouth? If a piece of onion was still in my teeth and touched the Invisalign, would the Invisalign now be meat?

:   Your question is important After eating meat chicken soup, that is, with chicken in it, one should wait six hours before eating dairy foods. However, after eating an onion cut with an meat knife even if it is a ‘ben yomo’ [i.e. cut meat with a knife within twenty-four hours of cutting the onion], one does not have to wait six hours before eating dairy foods. Since the need to wait six hours after eating a meat dish is not after tasting the taste of meat, but rather after eating meat or a stew of meat. Regarding the introduction of invislin [a plastic tooth plate] after eating meat or onions cut with a meat knife, there is no impediment or fear of putting it in the mouth, the invislin will not be meaty. Even if an onion or meat between the teeth touches the Invislin, it will not become meaty, because only a hot meat dish makes the dish that touches it meaty. However, if you find meat or onions cut with a meat knife between your teeth, you must remove them from your teeth before eating milk, and rinse and wash your mouth and invislin before eating the milk. Multiple regards   Sources and reasoning


Do I need to wait 6 hours after a sharp food? If I eat chicken soup which cooked onion cut with a meat knife, should I wait, despite the soup being meat in the first place? Would I be able to put in my Invisalign in right after I eat, or do I need to eat six hours for the onion to leave my mouth? If a piece of onion was still in my teeth and touched the Invisalign, would the Invisalign now be meat?



Your question is important

After eating meat chicken soup, that is, with chicken in it, one should wait six hours before eating dairy foods.

However, after eating an onion cut with an meat knife even if it is a ‘ben yomo’ [i.e. cut meat with a knife within twenty-four hours of cutting the onion], one does not have to wait six hours before eating dairy foods.

Since the need to wait six hours after eating a meat dish is not after tasting the taste of meat, but rather after eating meat or a stew of meat.

Regarding the introduction of invislin [a plastic tooth plate] after eating meat or onions cut with a meat knife, there is no impediment or fear of putting it in the mouth, the invislin will not be meaty. Even if an onion or meat between the teeth touches the Invislin, it will not become meaty, because only a hot meat dish makes the dish that touches it meaty.

However, if you find meat or onions cut with a meat knife between your teeth, you must remove them from your teeth before eating milk, and rinse and wash your mouth and invislin before eating the milk.

Multiple regards


Sources and reasoning

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