תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ישראל


Shalom Rav

I am interested in knowing the history of the custom of the brit yitzchak,

Can you tell me the source and interest of this?

Thank you


Hello & Greetings

The night before the circumcision is considered a special night, in which special learning is endeavored that causes spiritual preservation for the baby.

Among the Sephardim, a special study is held on this night called the “brit yitzchak”, after our forefather Isaac, who was the first to be circumcised when he was eight days old. For Ashkenazim the night is called “vachnacht”, which is a translation of the words night of guarding.

During the night, the Sephardim gather in the baby’s home for joint study of Zohar passages and midrashim dealing with matters of ‘brit’ commandments, and the Ashkenazim gather small children to read the Shema and guard verses by the baby’s bed.

The source of this teaching appears already in the Zohar Parshat Lech Lechah, where conditions remained awake all night of the Circumcision studying Circumcision matters. Even today you can find followers and people of action who stay awake and study all night.

It is important to note that apart from the benefit to the baby in studying this night. There is also a virtue of medicine for those who participate in the study of the night of the Circumcision, as I mentioned in the sources below.

Sources and reasoning:

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