הרב מאיר פנחסי - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל


Hello Harav, I wanted to ask if you could tell me a little bit about the matter of placing liquid on the blech on shabbat?

Answer: Anything that has water or soup, and so on, is a liquid drink, even cooked before the Sabbath, the posskim argued on whether its prohibited to cook on shabbat something that was cooked before sabbat. the basis of their dispute, since this is different from dried foods that were cooked before the Sabbat, such as rice, etc, since in foods that have a cold sauce, this returns to its first principle as it was, not like dry foods. And the posskim that allow say that even things that have sauce that has already been cooked once, the dish has changed and even now  that cooled down it became a different nature from a drink that was not cooked ever (and as is known today, that there are fewer bacteria, etc.), even though its not evident in the eye of a person. Therefor the hallacha is that there is cooking from the Torah in farms even cooked once on a Friday afternoon.

And all this to place on the blech a large amount of sauce as an example: soup, but something that does not have much sauce, such as fish that have a little oil, since the dish “shrinks and bad for the dish” and has no intention of heating the sauce but for the main food, therefore he is not cooking for most opinions.



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