הרב מאיר פנחסי - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: I am getting married this Thursday and I got my period two days before my wedding. What should I do?

: There is no reason to be in worry and stressed situation, or in feeling some unpleasantness, – everything is from Hashem, these things are common, and do not necessarily depend only on you, although there are several laws that actually concern this problem, and I will briefly elaborate them:  The wedding should take place as usual, although the rabbi of the ‘messader Kidushin’ must be updated earlier in the situation that occurred, so that he knows how to act in certain ways. the groom will give the ring to the bride as usual. There is no permit to touch or transfer anything from hand to hand, and while you take photographs you have to know how to estimate the distance so as not to fail touching prohibitions. If you costem is to go into the ‘yichud room’ after the ‘chupa’, there is no permit to lock the room, but you may close the door. There is no permit to be alone in the house, unless a small guard aged 6-9 is in the room with you. You can also sleep in your parents’ house and make sure not to lock the door of the bedroom. And I will end with congratulations that you will get to establish a faithful home in Israel, with a lot of joy and happiness.   Sources: ע”פ השו”ע (יו”ד סי’ קצב).

Question: I am getting married this Thursday and I got my period two days before my wedding. What should I do?

Answer: There is no reason to be in worry and stressed situation, or in feeling some unpleasantness, – everything is from Hashem, these things are common, and do not necessarily depend only on you, although there are several laws that actually concern this problem, and I will briefly elaborate them

  1. The wedding should take place as usual, although the rabbi of the ‘messader Kidushin’ must be updated earlier in the situation that occurred, so that he knows how to act in certain ways.

  2. the groom will give the ring to the bride as usual.

  3. There is no permit to touch or transfer anything from hand to hand, and while you take photographs you have to know how to estimate the distance so as not to fail touching prohibitions.

  4. If you costem is to go into the ‘yichud room’ after the ‘chupa’, there is no permit to lock the room, but you may close the door.

  5. There is no permit to be alone in the house, unless a small guard aged 6-9 is in the room with you. You can also sleep in your parents’ house and make sure not to lock the door of the bedroom.

And I will end with congratulations that you will get to establish a faithful home in Israel, with a lot of joy and happiness.



ע”פ השו”ע (יו”ד סי’ קצב).

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