הרב אליהו בחבוט ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

Q: Is it permissible to read the books of a man who committed suicide?


Answer: From the law there is no prohibition on reading, because in general, without entering into the subject of the specific person you ask about, although an author who is clearly known to have been completely evil at the time of writing his books, the opinion of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zatzkal, is that torah should not be learned from an dishonorable person. Although there is no prohibition from reading the books of a not good person as long as it is clear to us that there are no heresy in the contents of the book. (And of course this is also in a way that there is no waste of time and ‘bitul Torah’ and the prohibition of external despers, as the sources will show). but from the extent of Hassidism, which is careful to read books only from fearful and complete authors, Kadosh will tell him (including the caution to avoid reading newspapers even if they are “ultra-Orthodox” and even if they are not digital,). And all of this was in general, without discussing a particular person. And I heard that there is an rabbi that ordered to remove all the books of the person you mentioned in the question, and apparently they did not mean the main law, but from a viewpoint, in order to keep the many away from the ugliness and the like, thereby fending out loopholes and preventing the disregard for the things that stand in the highest level of the world. And according to the specific person’ His educational approach was not recommended by me, and in our home these books never entered, and even when the children received these books as gifts from friends and relatives, we removed the books from the house, due to opposition to the educational approach.



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