הרב מאיר פנחסי - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל


I fully understand your heart’s plight, and indeed this is a very complex question!

And first of all you are right, they should not be trusted at all, because they are Gentiles for everything, and her Jewish son Rachmana Litzlen is also a gentile for all intents and purposes. And they simply cannot be trusted with these things and in terms of halacha are disloyal.

Although on the other hand your wife is finally right that her son cannot be expelled from her home, what is more, you are married to her in a second marriage and the relationship is very delicate and arguing about these things can greatly damage your relationship.

Therefore, the good advice is that one thing you will only ask of them, and insist firmly on this, that they will not bring food from outside and that is surely the model your wife will agree to, this avoiding the fear of bringing traef food into your home, and the dishes will not be prohibited. You and your wife will purchase all kosher products, reducing your concerns by 50%. The dishes and cookers will not be forbidden, that even if the goya cooks, in retrospect the dishes will not be banned nor will the oven and microwave.

But you still have to be careful:

  1. Not to leave the meat alone with them when you and your wife leave the house for fear of ignoring the eye, but will be sealed in a seal.

2.Be careful not to eat the cooking of the woman who is a gentile [even the kosher food], because of gentile cooking bishul of a gentile.

And on everything you must pray constantly that there will be no malfunction and obstacle under your hand, with the blessing of the rise and succeed and the peace will prevail in your residence all days.



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