תמונה הרב דוד אוחיון (2)
Country: ישראל


Hello, I wanted to ask about learning about Judaism. My father’s side of the family is Jewish, and I’ve always been very interested in Judaism, but none of my family practiced it. My father’s side was catholic, and my father raised me pagan with an open mind to all other religions, so I’ve studied a lot of religions and have always felt a connection to Judaism. My personal belief is that divinity come in the form someone needs.

My question is, what would be the best way to learn about Judaism and Jewish culture if my family didn’t have much passed down? Am I allowed to read the Torah and if so would I need to read it in Hebrew or in a specific place like temple? I have a copy of the Torah as a book however it’s in English and I’m not sure if it would be disrespectful towards the Torah to read it in that form so I haven’t really touched it.

Also, would I be allowed to learn about Judaism and that part of my ethnicity even though it was passed down from my father’s side and they didn’t practice Judaism? I’ve been told it has to come from the mothers side for someone to be considered jewis.


Hello & Greetings

First, let me tell you that I appreciate the sensitivity and respect you give to the Torah,

Regarding your question, you are right that according to the Torah, Judaism is determined by the mother, so as long as your mother is not Jewish, you are also not considered Jewish, and you are not commanded by the commandments of the Torah to the Jewish people.

However, there is nothing to prevent you from learning about your Jewish roots, even though you are not Jewish and even though your father did not keep the Torah. You can read about it in many English language Jewish books, just check that you are reading correct books that are not distorted, because there is a lot of distortion when it comes to explanations about Judaism. I recommend that you read only books by Orthodox rabbis.

You are perfectly allowed to study Judaism just as you are allowed to learn about other religions. You are also allowed to read books that explain and translate what is stated in the Torah.

However, according to Jewish law, a non-Jew is forbidden to study the Torah itself, because G-d gave only to the Jewish people, and it is permissible to study the Torah only with regard to the seven commandments that the gentiles are also commanded to keep.

And referring to the seven commandments of the children of Noah, it is written erroneously that a person who learns these seven commandments from the Torah has a very great virtue, as a priest working in the Temple.

Best wishes for success

Rabbi David Ohayon


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