הרב עמיאל ארבה
Country: ישראל

on: In my work as a technician in a company that works for the municipality in the maintenance of traffic lights, I encountered a halachic problem, when on Sabbat I actually receives calls for repairing traffic lights, what should I or my friends in the police do, should the danger of shabbat desecrations in public be taken into account, because the location of the traffic light, such as an intercity road, or a dangerous intersection, or a side road.

: This is a serious question, it is impossible to give a correct and overwhelming answer, and it was appropriate that you should take an advice from a rabbi on every case, but in any case I will write only in general, the halachic principles for such cases. The traffic lights should be corrected by a non-Jewish employees, but if this advice is not possible, it should be preferred if possible to invite a police officer to direct the movement, If this solution cannot be used, it is possible to allow the traffic lights to be repaired on Shabbat, because there are small passengers among the passengers who did not reach the commandments, and they should not be blamed for this. As for the division of places and the degree of risk, it is difficult to determine a clear thing in this, but it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the experts in charge of this, after explaining the importance of accuracy in defining the place, and if they say there is a danger concern in this place, they will do the same. So far this is the answer of the Halacha, but in fact the observance of the Sabbath and the observance of the halachic genders requires consulting with a clear teaching teacher and bringing to him the totality of the specific data, and salvation in a majority of counselor.   Reasons


In my work as a technician in a company that works for the municipality in the maintenance of traffic lights, I encountered a halachic problem, when on Sabbat I actually receives calls for repairing traffic lights, what should I or my friends in the police do, should the danger of shabbat desecrations in public be taken into account, because the location of the traffic light, such as an intercity road, or a dangerous intersection, or a side road.


This is a serious question, it is impossible to give a correct and overwhelming answer, and it was appropriate that you should take an advice from a rabbi on every case, but in any case I will write only in general, the halachic principles for such cases. The traffic lights should be corrected by a non-Jewish employees, but if this advice is not possible, it should be preferred if possible to invite a police officer to direct the movement, If this solution cannot be used, it is possible to allow the traffic lights to be repaired on Shabbat, because there are small passengers among the passengers who did not reach the commandments, and they should not be blamed for this.

As for the division of places and the degree of risk, it is difficult to determine a clear thing in this, but it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the experts in charge of this, after explaining the importance of accuracy in defining the place, and if they say there is a danger concern in this place, they will do the same.

So far this is the answer of the Halacha, but in fact the observance of the Sabbath and the observance of the halachic genders requires consulting with a clear teaching teacher and bringing to him the totality of the specific data, and salvation in a majority of counselor.



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Attention: You should not learn from one case to another, each case must be analyzed individually. Generally speaking, it's always best to have contact with a Rabbi in person, not just virtual contact. Note that where there is a local Rabbi("Mara Deatra"), one should ask him. The answers are under the responsibility of the rabbi who responded, and not under the responsibility of the website and/or the Head of the Institution.

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