הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ארצות הברית

on: At the entrance to my house, there are two doors, when leaving the house it is possible to open only one door which is the door on the right. It means that when I leave the house, the mezuzah is too far away to reach it and kiss it, where the mezuzah needs to be determined?

:   When there are two doors to one doorway, and sometimes open the two doors to enter the house, such as when there are guests, etc., the opening is one opening and determine the mezuzah on the right side of the opening only. Therefore, the mezuzah must be determined on the right side of the opening when entering the house, although when leaving the house from the right door the mezuzah is far away. However, if one door is always closed, and is never opened to people entering, but only for the entry of large objects, etc., the mezuzah must be set on the door that does not open in the tapestry next to the right side of the door that opens.   Sources and Scores



At the entrance to my house, there are two doors, when leaving the house it is possible to open only one door which is the door on the right. It means that when I leave the house, the mezuzah is too far away to reach it and kiss it, where the mezuzah needs to be determined?


When there are two doors to one doorway, and sometimes open the two doors to enter the house, such as when there are guests, etc., the opening is one opening and determine the mezuzah on the right side of the opening only.

Therefore, the mezuzah must be determined on the right side of the opening when entering the house, although when leaving the house from the right door the mezuzah is far away.

However, if one door is always closed, and is never opened to people entering, but only for the entry of large objects, etc., the mezuzah must be set on the door that does not open in the tapestry next to the right side of the door that opens.


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