הרה"ג מאיר פנחסי
Country: ארצות הברית


What is the true meaning of mysticism, that is, does the Holy Torah believes in it?


In Judaism in general and in the Talmud in particular, there are dozens of things that can bring a person luck, medicine and blessing, even though they have a lack of understanding, that is, a human mind does not understand how these things work.

These are things that are prepared for “virtues” or hidden powers, see in the Talmud (Tractate Shabbat 66 page 2) that there are many different and strange spells that can help a person, and so in the Talmud many.

And see more in the poskim what even permitted desecration of Shabbat in certain ways for the sake of ” A medicine of virtue”, see the book Chazon Ovadia to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Shabbat 3 (p. 275).

And the idea of this, because God assimilated these forces into the nature of creation in the first root and gave them the power of action. Therefore, in fact, mysticism that have a root and a foothold in the Talmud and its commentaries are correct and should be treated very much.

However, mysticism that are accepted and have no basis or root in the words of our Sages of blessed memory, must be distanced from them.


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The segulah of the Chidah ztz"l to raise luck

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