הרב מאיר פנחסי - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: I read about how a person is expected to pray in an Orthodox synagogue and I have encountered it over and over again: the shliach tzibur should not pray from the stage because it is elevated from the rest of the people, and this is considered arrogance. I know that even though women must sit separately and outside men’s aid , women still come to pray during prayers (is that true?) … And if that’s true, I wondered how they completed it in Eastern Europe when so many women sat in galleries on the second floor – which means they would pray from a much higher “high place” than the men even. I’m trying to figure it out. Or shouldn’t women pray in the synagogue? Or maybe the “prayer from a high place” rule does not apply to women for somereason? Thank you in advance for your reply.

: The rule of prayer in a high place is true precisely where the place you stand on is narrower than the width of 4 Amot (1.92 cm) at the time it feels like arrogance, but all that is wider than that is not doubtful at all that it is mutar. For this reason, the shliach tzibur is praying for a high place and that they had acted in generations that had passed, nor was it because he was doing so that they would hear his voice well, and olso the bima is surrounded by partitions, as well as true according to the Kabbalah. And women who come to pray even though it is elevated, there is no Halachic problem with this and can come and pray there. Sources  


I read about how a person is expected to pray in an Orthodox synagogue and I have encountered it over and over again: the shliach tzibur should not pray from the stage because it is elevated from the rest of the people, and this is considered arrogance. I know that even though women must sit separately and outside men’s aid , women still come to pray during prayers (is that true?) … And if that’s true, I wondered how they completed it in Eastern Europe when so many women sat in galleries on the second floor – which means they would pray from a much higher “high place” than the men even. I’m trying to figure it out. Or shouldn’t women pray in the synagogue? Or maybe the “prayer from a high place” rule does not apply to women for somereason? Thank you in advance for your reply.


The rule of prayer in a high place is true precisely where the place you stand on is narrower than the width of 4 Amot (1.92 cm) at the time it feels like arrogance, but all that is wider than that is not doubtful at all that it is mutar.

For this reason, the shliach tzibur is praying for a high place and that they had acted in generations that had passed, nor was it because he was doing so that they would hear his voice well, and olso the bima is surrounded by partitions, as well as true according to the Kabbalah.

And women who come to pray even though it is elevated, there is no Halachic problem with this and can come and pray there.



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