הרב מאיר פנחסי
Country: ישראל


What is the amount that should be given to the “half shekel” today?


.The exact amount is: 25.65 NIS and good to give 26 NIS (around 7,5 USD) As for the details of the Mitzvah, see the detail below

Total Giving:

מכתב מאת הראש"ל הרב יצחק יוסף שליט"א

One should give an equal sum to the value of three silver Derham (“Derham” is the measure of weight used in Arab countries and was known from the Rambam’s

time) today its equal to nine grams of refined silver, as it is written in the books: “Shut Beit David”,”Cape Hachaim”, and “Hazon of Ovadia”  And in this year, the

weight of the silver in the above amount rises to NIS 25.65, and it is correct to round to NIS 26(7.5 USD) (which is a Gematria of the name of Hashem), and as the RIshon Letzion Rabbi Yosef said this year (See the attached letter).

Who is obliged to fulfill the Mitzvah:


it is recommended to give this amount for every soul of the household between males and females, According to Halacha, half the shekel must be given to a boy from the age of 13 and a girl from the age of 12.


Is worth giving even for small children and even embryos, and there is this giving to atone and protect. And in an “Torah Tmima” book he wrote that since the first shekels were before the “Man” weight, and they were all in the same decree, women and children, therefore they used to weigh for everyone. And in the Book of the “Cape of Hachaim” he wrote, because it says: “Make amends for your souls,” therefore, they also give for women and children to make amends for the soul.

Who has difficulty giving the amount:

Those who are unable to provide this sum for each and every member of the household will give three “halves of Shekels” to themselves and for each member of their house.


To whom do you give this money:

These funds should be divided into Torah institutions, or institutions that entitle the many, or to hold the Torah Avrechim in general, and the most appropriate, to hold the Torah Avrechim who study in practice, to understand and to instruct.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef also wrote in his book “Hazon Ovadiya” and noted the Gemarah words. Since the destruction of the

Temple there is no Hashem in his world but four cubits of Halakhah.

One can give a “to the half shekel” of the most elegant possession of to hold Avrechim in the institutions of the “Bircat Avraham”, and do in this way: Donors throughthe site here at this link (NIS 26 per person in the family, 7.5 USD) and then call the head secretary of the institutions Rabbi Mordechai Dani (972584436669), and he credits for every soul 3 coins of pure silver that are made exactly at the weight of “half the shekel “(handmade coins of a God-fearing jeweler), And these coins Rabbi Mordechai gives in your name “a reminder of the half shekel” to the institutions of “Bircat Avraham”. (Please note: The coins will not come to your home, but Rabbi Mordechai entitles you to the coins, and then gives them to the institutions in your name, and this is a very fancy way to fulfill the Mitzvah.)

Giving Time:

From the main point of Halachah, from the beginning of the month of Adar, these “half shekel” must be set aside, but there are those who used to divide the amount in the first part of the Megilah, and there is no strict provision for anything. Look at the book of “Hazon Ovadiya”.

Remember the half-shekel:

It is proper not to say these are the meaning of the “half shekel”, according to the person who is dedicated to the Temple examination (to the Temple), but rather these are: “Remember the half-shekel.

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