הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל


I did not have time to say kiddush levana. Can I say today on the night of To Bishvat and do I have to go to another city because we do not see the moon?


You can certainly bless the bleaching blessing tonight in Israel, until 1:23 a.m. Since the time of blessing is until fifteen days after the ‘molad’.

As far as you are live in another country, you should check what time the molad of the levana was where you live and calculate a full fifteen days after the Moment of ‘molad’.

Regarding your question of whether you should go to another city, as far as you know for sure that elsewhere you will find the levana you must go to another city, but realistically not the place causes, but the time causes, because the clouds travel with the wind all the time. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to travel to another city, but will try occasionally to check whether the clouds have dispersed and passed and the ‘levana’ has been discovered and you will immediately bless it.

Hopefully you’ll find the ‘levana’

And all who welcome the month at the time, as if he greeted the ‘shechina’.




Shalom Rav

I did not have time to say the blessing of the moon at the end of the shabat, can I do the blessing on the evening of the 15th shevat?

If I can’t see the moon from where I live, should I travel to another city to try to see the moon?


Indeed you can without any problem make the blessing of the moon the night of 15 shevat until 01h23 in Israel. Since the time of the blessing is the 15th day after the renewal of the moon

You must, if you are in another country check at what time the renewal of the moon took place and count 15 full days since this moment.

regarding your question if you have to travel to another city, if you know from a sure source that from this other place you will see the moon you have to go there. However in a real way it is not the place which fixes but the moment, because the clouds are carried by the wind all the time. So you don’t need to travel to another city but watch the sky to see if the clouds have dispersed and let the moon appear in time to do the blessing immediately.

Hoping you can observe the moon in its entirety

everyone who makes the blessing in his time is considered as if he received the divine presence

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