Harav Ohayon
Country: ישראל

on: My wife told a libel about a person, and they believed her and that person had been sparaged in their eyes, but there was no harm to him. Is it enough to make teshuva as an offence that a person has to place, or should he be asked for forgiveness?

on: We thought about buying a gift for the parents an electric ‘shaker’, my brother said that he sees the product cheaply at a cost of 400 shekels on a particular sales site, I asked him to buy the product, and because the prices there are cheap I told him to buy me another simpler ‘shaker’ that cost 300 shekels there. After he attached me to the purchase, while making the payment, it turned out that there was a promotion on the site that the buyer for more than 500 shekels, receives a discount coupon for 100 shekels. The question is whether this discount coupon should be divided between the two buyers by percentage attributable to the price they paid for the shaker, or should it be divided equally between the two buyers. Maybe the coupon even goes to the brother who made the purchase. Repentance: The brother who made the purchase is defined as a delivery person, so if it a ‘gift coupon’ that entitles him to purchase products for 100 shekels in one purchase or another, the coupon would have to be divided half and half between the courier and the couriers. However, since this is a “discount coupon” for the specific purchase in which the buyers bought for more than 500 nis, the coupon is not defined as a gift but as a “discount”, which comes to reduce the purchase price of the products purchased by the purchasers. Therefore, this discount belongs in full to buyers, who actually paid less for the products they bought. Regarding the distribution of the coupon between the buyers, to the extent that it was a discount of ten percent or twenty percent, etc., there is no doubt that the coupon would be divided according to the price of the products paid by the purchasers, since the discount depends on the price paid by the buyers. But since this is a discount coupon given to buyers in excess of NIS 500, and in order to reach this amount, the two buyers contribute their share equally, the coupon must be divided among the buyers equally.     Sources and reasoning .


We thought about buying a gift for the parents an electric ‘shaker’, my brother said that he sees the product cheaply at a cost of 400 shekels on a particular sales site, I asked him to buy the product, and because the prices there are cheap I told him to buy me another simpler ‘shaker’ that cost 300 shekels there.

After he attached me to the purchase, while making the payment, it turned out that there was a promotion on the site that the buyer for more than 500 shekels, receives a discount coupon for 100 shekels.

The question is whether this discount coupon should be divided between the two buyers by percentage attributable to the price they paid for the shaker, or should it be divided equally between the two buyers. Maybe the coupon even goes to the brother who made the purchase.


The brother who made the purchase is defined as a delivery person, so if it a ‘gift coupon’ that entitles him to purchase products for 100 shekels in one purchase or another, the coupon would have to be divided half and half between the courier and the couriers.

However, since this is a “discount coupon” for the specific purchase in which the buyers bought for more than 500 nis, the coupon is not defined as a gift but as a “discount”, which comes to reduce the purchase price of the products purchased by the purchasers. Therefore, this discount belongs in full to buyers, who actually paid less for the products they bought.

Regarding the distribution of the coupon between the buyers, to the extent that it was a discount of ten percent or twenty percent, etc., there is no doubt that the coupon would be divided according to the price of the products paid by the purchasers, since the discount depends on the price paid by the buyers. But since this is a discount coupon given to buyers in excess of NIS 500, and in order to reach this amount, the two buyers contribute their share equally, the coupon must be divided among the buyers equally.



Sources and reasoning


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