הרב צבי דידי משיב כהלכה
Country: ארצות הברית

on: I was in a rented apartment that when I rented it, I found out that it was uninsured, I commented on it to the landlord who refused to cooperate, so i decided to insure it at my expense, in order to cover me from future damages. A while later, unfortunately, there was a fire in the community that caused great damage to the apartment and property. Now there is no dispute between me and the landlord that I do not bear the responsibility of the fire that came from an external party, and it was not in my control at all to prevent the damage, the question is about the payment paid by the insurance company, which the owner claims the payment is due to him since the apartment is the one that was damaged, and it is not possible that I will take even part of the payment on the back of the apartment that belongs to its owner, on the other hand I believe that I deserve the payment because if I did not insure the apartment there would be no payment, What does Halacha say about it? 

: The law is that payment from the insurance company will be paid to the renter and not to the landlord, unless otherwise specified in the insurance policy, and it is appropriate to compromise.   Sources and reasoning


I was in a rented apartment that when I rented it, I found out that it was uninsured, I commented on it to the landlord who refused to cooperate, so i decided to insure it at my expense, in order to cover me from future damages. A while later, unfortunately, there was a fire in the community that caused great damage to the apartment and property.

Now there is no dispute between me and the landlord that I do not bear the responsibility of the fire that came from an external party, and it was not in my control at all to prevent the damage, the question is about the payment paid by the insurance company, which the owner claims the payment is due to him since the apartment is the one that was damaged, and it is not possible that I will take even part of the payment on the back of the apartment that belongs to its owner, on the other hand I believe that I deserve the payment because if I did not insure the apartment there would be no payment, What does Halacha say about it? 


The law is that payment from the insurance company will be paid to the renter and not to the landlord, unless otherwise specified in the insurance policy, and it is appropriate to compromise.


Sources and reasoning

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