הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: Shalom Aleichem rabbi, I am a Noachide living in Belgium, im planning to convert to Judaism after my graduation from college and i am a believer of Judaism since my childhood. My question is about the costs of being a Jewish family. I heard that a membership to a syngagogue or a yeshiva is stipendiary. And i also heard some rabbis are demanding money for conversion. Is Judaism really a money-based religion? What are the average costs of a Kosher Jewish house and what are the possible monthly expenses? Plus, do you know any synagogues in the region of Wallonie that can help me about the conversion? Thank you so much.  

: Hello and best regards, your question is important. It is important that you understand that being Jewish or not, is not an economic question and does not belong to money at all. Being a Jew costs no money, in general no faith is priced for money.   The conversion process requires sincere and inner faith and a strong desire to join the Jewish people, not money.   Beyond the above, since in order to undergo conversion it is necessary to study the laws and acquire knowledge about Judaism, for the acquisition of this knowledge it is customary to pay the rabbi or teacher to teach everything required. But, if you have all the necessary knowledge of yourself, you will not have to pay. No one sells conversion or Judaism, because no one owns it. Moreover, Jewish law forbids teaching Torah for a fee or converting for a salary, all that is allowed for teachers or dayanim to take wages is only in the form of idle wages, for the time they are annulled and do not engage in their work, in order to teach Torah or discuss and receive converts, etc. Beyond that, there may be special expenses in a Jewish home, in purchasing kosher foods, and of course in the need not to work on the Sabbath day. But these are indirect expenses, Judaism itself is not priced with money. Regarding membership in a synagogue, each synagogue or community has its own rules, usually a person who does not have financial ability, receives from the community more than he pays. However, people who have them pay a nominal amount to sustain and finance the needs of the community. In any case, nothing is coercive or obligatory, but as a right. I do not live in Belgium and unfortunately I do not know anyone there who can guide you, nevertheless I will recommend that you pay attention to look for a rabbi or an Orthodox synagogue, because another stream of Judaism whose conversion is not recognized and has no validity. It is recommended that you try to locate the nearest Chabad house to your place of residence, sure that in the entire Wallony area, there are several Chabad houses, and they will gladly help you.   Wishing you success in whatever you turn to   Sources and reasoning


Shalom Aleichem rabbi,

I am a Noachide living in Belgium, im planning to convert to Judaism after my graduation from college
and i am a believer of Judaism since my childhood. My question is about the costs of being a Jewish family.

I heard that a membership to a syngagogue or a yeshiva is stipendiary. And i also heard some rabbis are demanding money for conversion. Is Judaism really a money-based religion?

What are the average costs of a Kosher Jewish house and what are the possible monthly expenses?

Plus, do you know any synagogues in the region of Wallonie that can help me about the conversion?

Thank you so much.



Hello and best regards, your question is important.

It is important that you understand that being Jewish or not, is not an economic question and does not belong to money at all.

Being a Jew costs no money, in general no faith is priced for money.


The conversion process requires sincere and inner faith and a strong desire to join the Jewish people, not money.


Beyond the above, since in order to undergo conversion it is necessary to study the laws and acquire knowledge about Judaism, for the acquisition of this knowledge it is customary to pay the rabbi or teacher to teach everything required.

But, if you have all the necessary knowledge of yourself, you will not have to pay. No one sells conversion or Judaism, because no one owns it.

Moreover, Jewish law forbids teaching Torah for a fee or converting for a salary, all that is allowed for teachers or dayanim to take wages is only in the form of idle wages, for the time they are annulled and do not engage in their work, in order to teach Torah or discuss and receive converts, etc.

Beyond that, there may be special expenses in a Jewish home, in purchasing kosher foods, and of course in the need not to work on the Sabbath day. But these are indirect expenses, Judaism itself is not priced with money.

Regarding membership in a synagogue, each synagogue or community has its own rules, usually a person who does not have financial ability, receives from the community more than he pays. However, people who have them pay a nominal amount to sustain and finance the needs of the community. In any case, nothing is coercive or obligatory, but as a right.

I do not live in Belgium and unfortunately I do not know anyone there who can guide you, nevertheless I will recommend that you pay attention to look for a rabbi or an Orthodox synagogue, because another stream of Judaism whose conversion is not recognized and has no validity.

It is recommended that you try to locate the nearest Chabad house to your place of residence, sure that in the entire Wallony area, there are several Chabad houses, and they will gladly help you.


Wishing you success in whatever you turn to


Sources and reasoning

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